FutureList<E> extension

Future list extension maps the native List properties and methods to the result of a Future that yields a List, in addition with a couple of useful return types and methods.



reversed Future<Iterable<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.reversed.
no setter


add(E e) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.add.
addAll(Iterable<E> iterable) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.addAll.
as<T>(T f(E e)) Future<List<T>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Returns a new lazy List of Type by applying the transformation function.
asMap() Future<Map<int, E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.asMap.
cast<R>() Future<List<R>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.cast.
clear() Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.clear.
fillRange(int start, int end, [E? value]) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.fillRange.
getRange(int start, int end) Future<Iterable<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.getRange.
indexOf(E e, [int start = 0]) Future<int>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.indexOf.
indexWhere(bool test(E e), [int start = 0]) Future<int>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.indexWhere.
insert(int index, E element) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.insert.
insertAll(int index, Iterable<E> iterable) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.insertAll.
lastIndexOf(E e, [int? start]) Future<int>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.lastIndexOf.
lastIndexWhere(bool test(E e), [int? start]) Future<int>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.lastIndexWhere.
remove(Object o) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.remove.
removeAt(int index) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.removeAt.
removeLast() Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.removeLast.
removeRange(int start, int end) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.removeRange.
removeWhere(bool test(E e)) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.removeWhere.
replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.replaceRange.
retainWhere(bool test(E e)) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.retainWhere.
setAll(int index, Iterable<E> iterable) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.setAll.
setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.setRange.
shuffle([Random? random]) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.shuffle.
sort([int compare(E a, E b)?]) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.sort.
sublist(int start, [int? end]) Future<List<E>>

Available on Future<List<E>>, provided by the FutureList extension

Refer to List.sublist.