request library


Abstract endpoint to use as a base for generated client route enums
Container for holding a request result or a request error


Enum of available HTTP methods


arriRequest(String url, {Client? httpClient, HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.get, Map<String, dynamic>? params, FutureOr<Map<String, String>> headers()?, Map<String, String>? query, Encoding? encoding, String? clientVersion}) Future<Response>
Perform a raw http request
parsedArriRequest<T, E extends Exception>(String url, {Client? httpClient, HttpMethod method =, Map<String, dynamic>? params, FutureOr<Map<String, String>> headers()?, String? clientVersion, required T parser(String)}) Future<T>
Helper function for performing raw HTTP request to an Arri RPC server This function will throw an ArriRequestError if it fails
parsedArriRequestSafe<T>(String url, {Client? httpClient, HttpMethod httpMethod = HttpMethod.get, Map<String, dynamic>? params, FutureOr<Map<String, String>> headers()?, required T parser(String), String? clientVersion}) Future<ArriRequestResult<T>>
Perform a raw HTTP request to an Arri RPC server. This function does not thrown an error. Instead it returns a request result in which both value and the error can be null.