arcgis_map_sdk library
- AnimationOptions
Animation options for the
Javascript method. - ArcgisMap
- ArcgisMapController
- ArcgisMapOptions
- Options for the Arcgis map widget
- ArcgisMapPlatform
- Attributes
- Attributes are fully configurable.
- BoundingBox
- The bounds of the visible view in map units
- Circle
- Circle-base GEO algorithms.
- DefaultWidget
- The default UI widgets attached to the map.
- Distance
- Calculates the distance between points.
- DistanceCalculator
- DistanceHaversine
- Shortcut for final Distance distance = const Distance(calculator: const Haversine());
- DistanceVincenty
- Shortcut for final Distance distance = const Distance(calculator: const Vincenty());
- FeatureLayer
- FeatureLayerOptions
- FeatureReductionCluster
- Field
- Graphic
- GraphicsLayer
- GraphicsLayerOptions
- Haversine
- LatLng
- Coordinates in Degrees
- LengthUnit
- LineSymbolMarker
- Specifies the color, style, and placement of a symbol marker on the line.
T> - MeshSymbol3D
- 3D Mesh symbol
T extends LatLng> - Path of LatLng values
- PictureMarkerSymbol
- A picture marker on the map
- PointGraphic
- The data on the map is displayed as points
- PolygonGraphic
- The data on the map is displayed as polygons
- PolylineGraphic
- The data on the map is displayed as polylines
- SceneLayer
- SceneLayerOptions
- SimpleFillSymbol
- Set the fillColor and other attributes of the polygon displayed in the map
- SimpleLineSymbol
- SimpleLineSymbol is used for rendering 2D polyline geometries in a 2D MapView. SimpleLineSymbol is also used for rendering outlines for marker symbols and fill symbols.
- SimpleMarkerSymbol
- A simple marker on the map
- Symbol
- ViewPadding
- To be added to the map to help re-centering the view.
- Vincenty
- AnimationCurve
- BaseMap
- CapStyle
- DefaultWidgetType
- ElevationMode
- The currently supported elevation modes for FeatureLayer & GraphicsLayer. See:
- Ground
- The Ground class contains properties that specify how the ground surface is displayed in a SceneView.
- JoinStyle
- MapStyle
- MarkerPlacement
- MarkerStyle
- Mobile only supports arrow and none and will fallback to none when unsupported styles are used.
- PolylineStyle
- SymbolType
- The currently supported marker symbols
- WidgetPosition
- Possible values: bottom-leading"|"bottom-left"|"bottom-right"|"bottom-trailing"|"top-leading"|"top-left"|"top-right"|"top-trailing"|"manual"
- earthRadius → const double
- Earth radius in meter
- equatorRadius → const double
- Equator radius in meter (WGS84 ellipsoid)
- flattening → const double
- WGS84
- pi → const double
- The PI constant.
- polarRadius → const double
- Polar radius in meter (WGS84 ellipsoid)
double dec) → String - Converts a decimal coordinate value to sexagesimal format
double deg) → double - Converts degree to radian
double bearing) → double - Convert a bearing to be within the 0 to +360 degrees range. Compass bearing is in the rangen 0° ... 360°
double rad) → double - Radian to degree
double value, {int decimals = 6}) → double -
to given number ofdecimals
String str) → double - Converts a string coordinate value in sexagesimal format to decimal
num number) → String - Pads a number with a single zero, if it is less than 10
- LatLngFactory = LatLng Function(double latitude, double longitude)
- Necessary for creating new instances T extends LatLng (Path