GlyphEffect class

Mixed-in types
Available extensions


GlyphEffect({Key? key, bool debugBorder = false, double intensity = 0.5, double bloom = 5, double overdraw = 2, double speed = 6, double threshold = 0.01, double rotationSpeed = 1, double colorBias = 0.5, int uComplex = 2, Color? color1, double zoom = 1.8, Color? color2, double power = 1.3, double size = 50})
GlyphEffect.arcane1({Key? key, bool debugBorder = false, double intensity = 0.7, double bloom = 10, double overdraw = 3, double speed = 4, double threshold = 0.08, double rotationSpeed = 1, double colorBias = 0.01, int uComplex = 1, Color? color1, double zoom = 0.4, Color? color2, double power = 2, double size = 50})
GlyphEffect.arcane2({Key? key, bool debugBorder = false, double intensity = 0.7, double bloom = 10, double overdraw = 3, double speed = 4, double threshold = 0.08, double rotationSpeed = 1, double colorBias = 0.01, int uComplex = 2, Color? color1, double zoom = 0.6, Color? color2, double power = 2, double size = 50})
GlyphEffect.arcane3({Key? key, bool debugBorder = false, double intensity = 0.7, double bloom = 10, double overdraw = 3, double speed = 3, double threshold = 0.08, double rotationSpeed = 1, double colorBias = 0.01, int uComplex = 3, Color? color1, double zoom = 0.8, Color? color2, double power = 2, double size = 50})
GlyphEffect.arcane4({Key? key, bool debugBorder = false, double intensity = 0.7, double bloom = 10, double overdraw = 3, double speed = 3, double threshold = 0.08, double rotationSpeed = 1, double colorBias = 0.01, int uComplex = 4, Color? color1, double zoom = 0.77, Color? color2, double power = 2, double size = 50})
GlyphEffect.arcane5({Key? key, bool debugBorder = false, double intensity = 0.7, double bloom = 10, double overdraw = 3, double speed = 3, double threshold = 0.08, double rotationSpeed = 1, double colorBias = 0.01, int uComplex = 5, Color? color1, double zoom = 0.88, Color? color2, double power = 1.6, double size = 50})
GlyphEffect.arcane6({Key? key, bool debugBorder = false, double intensity = 0.7, double bloom = 10, double overdraw = 3, double speed = 2, double threshold = 0.08, double rotationSpeed = 1, double colorBias = 0.01, int uComplex = 6, Color? color1, double zoom = 0.88, Color? color2, double power = 1.7, double size = 50})


asSliver Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetArcane extension

no setter
ast Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAST extension

no setter
bloom double
blurIn Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetEffect extension

no setter
centered Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
color1 Color?
color2 Color?
colorBias double
debugBorder bool
expand Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
flexible Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
ih Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetArcane extension

no setter
intensity double
intrinsicHeight Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
intrinsicSize Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
intrinsicWidth Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
iw Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetArcane extension

no setter
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
overdraw double
power double
rotationSpeed double
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
safeArea Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
scrollable Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
scrollableHorizontal Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

no setter
size double
speed double
threshold double
uComplex int
zoom double


allEdgeBlur({bool autoMode = false, double? blurIntensity, double? blurAddedIntensity, int? blurCount, double? size}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAEW extension

animate({Key? key, List<Effect>? effects, AnimateCallback? onInit, AnimateCallback? onPlay, AnimateCallback? onComplete, bool? autoPlay, Duration? delay, AnimationController? controller, Adapter? adapter, double? target, double? value}) Animate

Available on Widget, provided by the AnimateWidgetExtensions extension

Wraps the target Widget in an Animate instance, and returns the instance for chaining calls. Ex. myWidget.animate() is equivalent to Animate(child: myWidget).
asSkeleton({bool enabled = true, bool leaf = false, Widget? replacement, bool unite = false, AsyncSnapshot? snapshot}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the SkeletonExtension extension

asSkeletonSliver({bool enabled = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the SkeletonExtension extension

base() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

black() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

blockQuote() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

bold() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

bottomEdgeBlur({double? blurIntensity, double? blurAddedIntensity, int? blurCount, double? size, bool autoMode = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAEW extension

build(BuildContext context) Widget
Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
center({Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

clip({Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

clipOval({Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

clipPath({Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, required CustomClipper<Path> clipper}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

clipRRect({BorderRadiusGeometry borderRadius =, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

constrained({double? minWidth, double? maxWidth, double? minHeight, double? maxHeight}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

createElement() StatelessElement
Creates a StatelessElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
debugContainer([Color color =]) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the DebugContainer extension

debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
edgeBlur({List<EdgeDirection> directions = const [], double? blurIntensity, double? blurAddedIntensity, int? blurCount, double? size, bool autoMode = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAEW extension

ellipsis() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

excludeSkeleton({bool exclude = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the SkeletonExtension extension

expanded({int flex = 1}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

extraBold() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

extraLight() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

foreground() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

h1() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

h2() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

h3() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

h4() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

horizontalEdgeBlur({double? blurIntensity, double? blurAddedIntensity, int? blurCount, double? size, bool autoMode = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAEW extension

iconDestructiveForeground() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconLarge() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconMedium() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconMutedForeground() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconPrimary() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconPrimaryForeground() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconSecondary() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconSecondaryForeground() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconSmall() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconX2Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconX2Small() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconX3Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconX3Small() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconX4Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconX4Small() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconXLarge() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

iconXSmall() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the IconExtension extension

ignoreSkeleton() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the SkeletonExtension extension

inlineCode() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

intrinsic({double? stepWidth, double? stepHeight}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

intrinsicHeight() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

intrinsicWidth({double? stepWidth, double? stepHeight}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

isSliver(BuildContext context) bool

Available on Widget, provided by the XSliverWidget extension

italic() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

lead() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

leftEdgeBlur({double? blurIntensity, double? blurAddedIntensity, int? blurCount, double? size, bool autoMode = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAEW extension

li() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

light() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

medium() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

mono() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

muted() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

normal() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onDoublePressed(VoidCallback action, {HitTestBehavior? behavior, Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XOnGestureWidget extension

onHover(void action(bool hovering)) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XOnGestureWidget extension

onLongPressed(VoidCallback action, {HitTestBehavior? behavior, Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XOnGestureWidget extension

onLongSecondaryPressed(VoidCallback action, {HitTestBehavior? behavior, Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XOnGestureWidget extension

onLongTertiaryPressed(VoidCallback action, {HitTestBehavior? behavior, Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XOnGestureWidget extension

onPressed(VoidCallback action, {HitTestBehavior? behavior, Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XOnGestureWidget extension

onSecondaryPressed(VoidCallback action, {HitTestBehavior? behavior, Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XOnGestureWidget extension

onTertiaryPressed(VoidCallback action, {HitTestBehavior? behavior, Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XOnGestureWidget extension

p({bool firstChild = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

pad(double all) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

padBottom(double value) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

padLeft(double value) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

padOnly({double left = 0, double top = 0, double right = 0, double bottom = 0}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

padRight(double value) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

padTop(double value) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

positioned({Key? key, double? left, double? top, double? right, double? bottom}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

primaryForeground() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

rightEdgeBlur({double? blurIntensity, double? blurAddedIntensity, int? blurCount, double? size, bool autoMode = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAEW extension

sans() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

secondaryForeground() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

semiBold() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

shadeEdge(double radius) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetEdge extension

shadeFrost(double value) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetFrost extension

shadeInvert() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetInvert extension

shadePixelate(double radius) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetPixelate extension

shadePixelateBlur({int samples = 4, double pixelSize = 8, double radius = 2}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetPixelateBlur extension

shadeRGB({double radius = 5, double spin = 1}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetRGB extension

shadeWarp({double amplitude = 1, double frequency = 1, double z = 1, int octaves = 2}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetWarp extension

shadeWarpAnimation({double amplitude = 1, double frequency = 1, double z = 1, double zSpeed = 1, int octaves = 2}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetWarp extension

singleLine() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

sized({double? width, double? height}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidget extension

sized({double? width, double? height}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

small() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textCenter() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textEnd() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textJustify() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textLarge() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textLeft() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textMuted() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textRight() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textSmall() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

textStart() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

then(InlineSpan span) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

thenButton({required VoidCallback onPressed, required Widget child}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

thenInlineCode(String text) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

thenText(String text) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

thin() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

toBox(BuildContext context, {bool softWarn = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XSliverWidget extension

toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
topEdgeBlur({double? blurIntensity, double? blurAddedIntensity, int? blurCount, double? size, bool autoMode = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAEW extension

toSliver(BuildContext context, {bool fillRemaining = false, bool softWarn = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XSliverWidget extension

toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug, int wrapWidth = 65}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.
transform({Key? key, required Matrix4 transform}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

underline() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

verticalEdgeBlur({double? blurIntensity, double? blurAddedIntensity, int? blurCount, double? size, bool autoMode = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XAEW extension

withAlign(AlignmentGeometry alignment) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

withMargin({double? top, double? bottom, double? left, double? right, double? horizontal, double? vertical, double? all}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

withOpacity(double opacity) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

withPadding({double? top, double? bottom, double? left, double? right, double? horizontal, double? vertical, double? all, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

withTooltip(String tooltip) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the XWidgetArcane extension

x2Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

x3Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

x4Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

x5Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

x6Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

x7Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

x8Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

x9Large() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

xLarge() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension

xSmall() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the TextExtension extension


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.