RadixIcons class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


accessibility → const IconData
activityLog → const IconData
alignBaseline → const IconData
alignBottom → const IconData
alignCenter → const IconData
alignCenterHorizontally → const IconData
alignCenterVertically → const IconData
alignEnd → const IconData
alignHorizontalCenters → const IconData
alignLeft → const IconData
alignRight → const IconData
alignStart → const IconData
alignStretch → const IconData
alignTop → const IconData
alignVerticalCenters → const IconData
allSides → const IconData
angle → const IconData
archive → const IconData
arrowBottomLeft → const IconData
arrowBottomRight → const IconData
arrowDown → const IconData
arrowLeft → const IconData
arrowRight → const IconData
arrowTopLeft → const IconData
arrowTopRight → const IconData
arrowUp → const IconData
aspectRatio → const IconData
avatar → const IconData
backpack → const IconData
badge → const IconData
barChart → const IconData
bell → const IconData
blendingMode → const IconData
bookmark → const IconData
bookmarkFilled → const IconData
borderAll → const IconData
borderBottom → const IconData
borderDashed → const IconData
borderDotted → const IconData
borderLeft → const IconData
borderNone → const IconData
borderRight → const IconData
borderSolid → const IconData
borderSplit → const IconData
borderStyle → const IconData
borderTop → const IconData
borderWidth → const IconData
box → const IconData
boxModel → const IconData
button → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
camera → const IconData
cardStack → const IconData
cardStackMinus → const IconData
cardStackPlus → const IconData
caretDown → const IconData
caretLeft → const IconData
caretRight → const IconData
caretSort → const IconData
caretUp → const IconData
chatBubble → const IconData
check → const IconData
checkbox → const IconData
checkCircled → const IconData
chevronDown → const IconData
chevronLeft → const IconData
chevronRight → const IconData
chevronUp → const IconData
circle → const IconData
circleBackslash → const IconData
clipboard → const IconData
clipboardCopy → const IconData
clock → const IconData
code → const IconData
colorWheel → const IconData
columns → const IconData
columnSpacing → const IconData
commit → const IconData
component1 → const IconData
component2 → const IconData
componentBoolean → const IconData
componentInstance → const IconData
componentNone → const IconData
componentPlaceholder → const IconData
container → const IconData
copy → const IconData
cornerBottomLeft → const IconData
cornerBottomRight → const IconData
corners → const IconData
cornerTopLeft → const IconData
cornerTopRight → const IconData
countdownTimer → const IconData
counterClockwiseClock → const IconData
crop → const IconData
cross1 → const IconData
cross2 → const IconData
crossCircled → const IconData
crosshair1 → const IconData
crosshair2 → const IconData
crumpledPaper → const IconData
cube → const IconData
cursorArrow → const IconData
cursorText → const IconData
dash → const IconData
dashboard → const IconData
desktop → const IconData
dimensions → const IconData
disc → const IconData
dividerHorizontal → const IconData
dividerVertical → const IconData
dot → const IconData
dotFilled → const IconData
dotsHorizontal → const IconData
dotSolid → const IconData
dotsVertical → const IconData
doubleArrowDown → const IconData
doubleArrowLeft → const IconData
doubleArrowRight → const IconData
doubleArrowUp → const IconData
download → const IconData
dragHandleDots1 → const IconData
dragHandleDots2 → const IconData
dragHandleHorizontal → const IconData
dragHandleVertical → const IconData
drawingPin → const IconData
drawingPinFilled → const IconData
drawingPinSolid → const IconData
enter → const IconData
enterFullScreen → const IconData
envelopeClosed → const IconData
envelopeOpen → const IconData
eraser → const IconData
exclamationTriangle → const IconData
exit → const IconData
exitFullScreen → const IconData
eyeClosed → const IconData
eyeNone → const IconData
eyeOpen → const IconData
face → const IconData
file → const IconData
fileMinus → const IconData
filePlus → const IconData
fileText → const IconData
fontBold → const IconData
fontFamily → const IconData
fontItalic → const IconData
fontRoman → const IconData
fontSize → const IconData
fontStyle → const IconData
frame → const IconData
gear → const IconData
globe → const IconData
grid → const IconData
group → const IconData
half1 → const IconData
half2 → const IconData
hamburgerMenu → const IconData
hand → const IconData
heading → const IconData
heart → const IconData
heartFilled → const IconData
height → const IconData
hobbyKnife → const IconData
home → const IconData
iconSwitch → const IconData
idCard → const IconData
image → const IconData
infoCircled → const IconData
innerShadow → const IconData
input → const IconData
justifyCenter → const IconData
justifyEnd → const IconData
justifyStart → const IconData
justifyStretch → const IconData
keyboard → const IconData
lapTimer → const IconData
laptop → const IconData
layers → const IconData
layout → const IconData
letterCaseCapitalize → const IconData
letterCaseLowercase → const IconData
letterCaseToggle → const IconData
letterCaseUppercase → const IconData
letterSpacing → const IconData
lightningBolt → const IconData
lineHeight → const IconData
link1 → const IconData
link2 → const IconData
linkBreak1 → const IconData
linkBreak2 → const IconData
linkNone1 → const IconData
linkNone2 → const IconData
listBullet → const IconData
lockClosed → const IconData
lockOpen1 → const IconData
lockOpen2 → const IconData
loop → const IconData
magicWand → const IconData
magnifyingGlass → const IconData
margin → const IconData
maskOff → const IconData
maskOn → const IconData
minus → const IconData
minusCircled → const IconData
mix → const IconData
mixerHorizontal → const IconData
mixerVertical → const IconData
mobile → const IconData
moon → const IconData
move → const IconData
opacity → const IconData
openInNewWindow → const IconData
outerShadow → const IconData
overline → const IconData
padding → const IconData
paperPlane → const IconData
pause → const IconData
pencil1 → const IconData
pencil2 → const IconData
person → const IconData
pieChart → const IconData
pilcrow → const IconData
pinBottom → const IconData
pinLeft → const IconData
pinRight → const IconData
pinTop → const IconData
play → const IconData
plus → const IconData
plusCircled → const IconData
questionMark → const IconData
questionMarkCircled → const IconData
quote → const IconData
radiobutton → const IconData
reader → const IconData
reload → const IconData
reset → const IconData
resume → const IconData
rocket → const IconData
rotateCounterClockwise → const IconData
rows → const IconData
rowSpacing → const IconData
rulerHorizontal → const IconData
rulerSquare → const IconData
scissors → const IconData
section → const IconData
sewingPin → const IconData
sewingPinFilled → const IconData
sewingPinSolid → const IconData
shadow → const IconData
shadowInner → const IconData
shadowNone → const IconData
shadowOuter → const IconData
share1 → const IconData
share2 → const IconData
shuffle → const IconData
size → const IconData
slash → const IconData
slider → const IconData
spaceBetweenHorizontally → const IconData
spaceBetweenVertically → const IconData
spaceEvenlyHorizontally → const IconData
spaceEvenlyVertically → const IconData
speakerLoud → const IconData
speakerModerate → const IconData
speakerOff → const IconData
speakerQuiet → const IconData
square → const IconData
stack → const IconData
star → const IconData
starFilled → const IconData
stop → const IconData
stopwatch → const IconData
stretchHorizontally → const IconData
stretchVertically → const IconData
strikethrough → const IconData
sun → const IconData
symbol → const IconData
table → const IconData
target → const IconData
text → const IconData
textAlignBottom → const IconData
textAlignCenter → const IconData
textAlignJustify → const IconData
textAlignLeft → const IconData
textAlignMiddle → const IconData
textAlignRight → const IconData
textAlignTop → const IconData
textNone → const IconData
thickArrowDown → const IconData
thickArrowLeft → const IconData
thickArrowRight → const IconData
thickArrowUp → const IconData
timer → const IconData
tokens → const IconData
trackNext → const IconData
trackPrevious → const IconData
transform → const IconData
transparencyGrid → const IconData
trash → const IconData
triangleDown → const IconData
triangleLeft → const IconData
triangleRight → const IconData
triangleUp → const IconData
underline → const IconData
update → const IconData
upload → const IconData
value → const IconData
valueNone → const IconData
video → const IconData
viewGrid → const IconData
viewHorizontal → const IconData
viewNone → const IconData
viewVertical → const IconData
width → const IconData
zoomIn → const IconData
zoomOut → const IconData