BootstrapIcons class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


activity → const IconData
airplane → const IconData
airplaneEngines → const IconData
airplaneEnginesFill → const IconData
airplaneFill → const IconData
alarm → const IconData
alarmFill → const IconData
alexa → const IconData
alignBottom → const IconData
alignCenter → const IconData
alignEnd → const IconData
alignMiddle → const IconData
alignStart → const IconData
alignTop → const IconData
alipay → const IconData
alphabet → const IconData
alphabetUppercase → const IconData
alt → const IconData
amazon → const IconData
amd → const IconData
android → const IconData
android2 → const IconData
app → const IconData
appIndicator → const IconData
apple → const IconData
archive → const IconData
archiveFill → const IconData
arrow90degDown → const IconData
arrow90degLeft → const IconData
arrow90degRight → const IconData
arrow90degUp → const IconData
arrowBarDown → const IconData
arrowBarLeft → const IconData
arrowBarRight → const IconData
arrowBarUp → const IconData
arrowClockwise → const IconData
arrowCounterclockwise → const IconData
arrowDown → const IconData
arrowDownCircle → const IconData
arrowDownCircleFill → const IconData
arrowDownLeft → const IconData
arrowDownLeftCircle → const IconData
arrowDownLeftCircleFill → const IconData
arrowDownLeftSquare → const IconData
arrowDownLeftSquareFill → const IconData
arrowDownRight → const IconData
arrowDownRightCircle → const IconData
arrowDownRightCircleFill → const IconData
arrowDownRightSquare → const IconData
arrowDownRightSquareFill → const IconData
arrowDownShort → const IconData
arrowDownSquare → const IconData
arrowDownSquareFill → const IconData
arrowDownUp → const IconData
arrowLeft → const IconData
arrowLeftCircle → const IconData
arrowLeftCircleFill → const IconData
arrowLeftRight → const IconData
arrowLeftShort → const IconData
arrowLeftSquare → const IconData
arrowLeftSquareFill → const IconData
arrowRepeat → const IconData
arrowReturnLeft → const IconData
arrowReturnRight → const IconData
arrowRight → const IconData
arrowRightCircle → const IconData
arrowRightCircleFill → const IconData
arrowRightShort → const IconData
arrowRightSquare → const IconData
arrowRightSquareFill → const IconData
arrows → const IconData
arrowsAngleContract → const IconData
arrowsAngleExpand → const IconData
arrowsCollapse → const IconData
arrowsCollapseVertical → const IconData
arrowsExpand → const IconData
arrowsExpandVertical → const IconData
arrowsFullscreen → const IconData
arrowsMove → const IconData
arrowsVertical → const IconData
arrowThroughHeart → const IconData
arrowThroughHeartFill → const IconData
arrowUp → const IconData
arrowUpCircle → const IconData
arrowUpCircleFill → const IconData
arrowUpLeft → const IconData
arrowUpLeftCircle → const IconData
arrowUpLeftCircleFill → const IconData
arrowUpLeftSquare → const IconData
arrowUpLeftSquareFill → const IconData
arrowUpRight → const IconData
arrowUpRightCircle → const IconData
arrowUpRightCircleFill → const IconData
arrowUpRightSquare → const IconData
arrowUpRightSquareFill → const IconData
arrowUpShort → const IconData
arrowUpSquare → const IconData
arrowUpSquareFill → const IconData
aspectRatio → const IconData
aspectRatioFill → const IconData
asterisk → const IconData
at → const IconData
award → const IconData
awardFill → const IconData
back → const IconData
backpack → const IconData
backpack2 → const IconData
backpack2Fill → const IconData
backpack3 → const IconData
backpack3Fill → const IconData
backpack4 → const IconData
backpack4Fill → const IconData
backpackFill → const IconData
backspace → const IconData
backspaceFill → const IconData
backspaceReverse → const IconData
backspaceReverseFill → const IconData
badge3d → const IconData
badge3dFill → const IconData
badge4k → const IconData
badge4kFill → const IconData
badge8k → const IconData
badge8kFill → const IconData
badgeAd → const IconData
badgeAdFill → const IconData
badgeAr → const IconData
badgeArFill → const IconData
badgeCc → const IconData
badgeCcFill → const IconData
badgeHd → const IconData
badgeHdFill → const IconData
badgeSd → const IconData
badgeSdFill → const IconData
badgeTm → const IconData
badgeTmFill → const IconData
badgeVo → const IconData
badgeVoFill → const IconData
badgeVr → const IconData
badgeVrFill → const IconData
badgeWc → const IconData
badgeWcFill → const IconData
bag → const IconData
bagCheck → const IconData
bagCheckFill → const IconData
bagDash → const IconData
bagDashFill → const IconData
bagFill → const IconData
bagHeart → const IconData
bagHeartFill → const IconData
bagPlus → const IconData
bagPlusFill → const IconData
bagX → const IconData
bagXFill → const IconData
balloon → const IconData
balloonFill → const IconData
balloonHeart → const IconData
balloonHeartFill → const IconData
ban → const IconData
bandaid → const IconData
bandaidFill → const IconData
banFill → const IconData
bank → const IconData
bank2 → const IconData
barChart → const IconData
barChartFill → const IconData
barChartLine → const IconData
barChartLineFill → const IconData
barChartSteps → const IconData
basket → const IconData
basket2 → const IconData
basket2Fill → const IconData
basket3 → const IconData
basket3Fill → const IconData
basketFill → const IconData
battery → const IconData
batteryCharging → const IconData
batteryFull → const IconData
batteryHalf → const IconData
behance → const IconData
bell → const IconData
bellFill → const IconData
bellSlash → const IconData
bellSlashFill → const IconData
bezier → const IconData
bezier2 → const IconData
bicycle → const IconData
bing → const IconData
binoculars → const IconData
binocularsFill → const IconData
blockquoteLeft → const IconData
blockquoteRight → const IconData
bluetooth → const IconData
bodyText → const IconData
book → const IconData
bookFill → const IconData
bookHalf → const IconData
bookmark → const IconData
bookmarkCheck → const IconData
bookmarkCheckFill → const IconData
bookmarkDash → const IconData
bookmarkDashFill → const IconData
bookmarkFill → const IconData
bookmarkHeart → const IconData
bookmarkHeartFill → const IconData
bookmarkPlus → const IconData
bookmarkPlusFill → const IconData
bookmarks → const IconData
bookmarksFill → const IconData
bookmarkStar → const IconData
bookmarkStarFill → const IconData
bookmarkX → const IconData
bookmarkXFill → const IconData
bookshelf → const IconData
boombox → const IconData
boomboxFill → const IconData
bootstrap → const IconData
bootstrapFill → const IconData
bootstrapReboot → const IconData
border → const IconData
borderAll → const IconData
borderBottom → const IconData
borderCenter → const IconData
borderInner → const IconData
borderLeft → const IconData
borderMiddle → const IconData
borderOuter → const IconData
borderRight → const IconData
borderStyle → const IconData
borderTop → const IconData
borderWidth → const IconData
boundingBox → const IconData
boundingBoxCircles → const IconData
box → const IconData
box2 → const IconData
box2Fill → const IconData
box2Heart → const IconData
box2HeartFill → const IconData
boxArrowDown → const IconData
boxArrowDownLeft → const IconData
boxArrowDownRight → const IconData
boxArrowInDown → const IconData
boxArrowInDownLeft → const IconData
boxArrowInDownRight → const IconData
boxArrowInLeft → const IconData
boxArrowInRight → const IconData
boxArrowInUp → const IconData
boxArrowInUpLeft → const IconData
boxArrowInUpRight → const IconData
boxArrowLeft → const IconData
boxArrowRight → const IconData
boxArrowUp → const IconData
boxArrowUpLeft → const IconData
boxArrowUpRight → const IconData
boxes → const IconData
boxFill → const IconData
boxSeam → const IconData
boxSeamFill → const IconData
braces → const IconData
bracesAsterisk → const IconData
bricks → const IconData
briefcase → const IconData
briefcaseFill → const IconData
brightnessAltHigh → const IconData
brightnessAltHighFill → const IconData
brightnessAltLow → const IconData
brightnessAltLowFill → const IconData
brightnessHigh → const IconData
brightnessHighFill → const IconData
brightnessLow → const IconData
brightnessLowFill → const IconData
brilliance → const IconData
broadcast → const IconData
broadcastPin → const IconData
browserChrome → const IconData
browserEdge → const IconData
browserFirefox → const IconData
browserSafari → const IconData
brush → const IconData
brushFill → const IconData
bucket → const IconData
bucketFill → const IconData
bug → const IconData
bugFill → const IconData
building → const IconData
buildingAdd → const IconData
buildingCheck → const IconData
buildingDash → const IconData
buildingDown → const IconData
buildingExclamation → const IconData
buildingFill → const IconData
buildingFillAdd → const IconData
buildingFillCheck → const IconData
buildingFillDash → const IconData
buildingFillDown → const IconData
buildingFillExclamation → const IconData
buildingFillGear → const IconData
buildingFillLock → const IconData
buildingFillSlash → const IconData
buildingFillUp → const IconData
buildingFillX → const IconData
buildingGear → const IconData
buildingLock → const IconData
buildings → const IconData
buildingsFill → const IconData
buildingSlash → const IconData
buildingUp → const IconData
buildingX → const IconData
bullseye → const IconData
busFront → const IconData
busFrontFill → const IconData
cake → const IconData
cake2 → const IconData
cake2Fill → const IconData
cakeFill → const IconData
calculator → const IconData
calculatorFill → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
calendar2 → const IconData
calendar2Check → const IconData
calendar2CheckFill → const IconData
calendar2Date → const IconData
calendar2DateFill → const IconData
calendar2Day → const IconData
calendar2DayFill → const IconData
calendar2Event → const IconData
calendar2EventFill → const IconData
calendar2Fill → const IconData
calendar2Heart → const IconData
calendar2HeartFill → const IconData
calendar2Minus → const IconData
calendar2MinusFill → const IconData
calendar2Month → const IconData
calendar2MonthFill → const IconData
calendar2Plus → const IconData
calendar2PlusFill → const IconData
calendar2Range → const IconData
calendar2RangeFill → const IconData
calendar2Week → const IconData
calendar2WeekFill → const IconData
calendar2X → const IconData
calendar2XFill → const IconData
calendar3 → const IconData
calendar3Event → const IconData
calendar3EventFill → const IconData
calendar3Fill → const IconData
calendar3Range → const IconData
calendar3RangeFill → const IconData
calendar3Week → const IconData
calendar3WeekFill → const IconData
calendar4 → const IconData
calendar4Event → const IconData
calendar4Range → const IconData
calendar4Week → const IconData
calendarCheck → const IconData
calendarCheckFill → const IconData
calendarDate → const IconData
calendarDateFill → const IconData
calendarDay → const IconData
calendarDayFill → const IconData
calendarEvent → const IconData
calendarEventFill → const IconData
calendarFill → const IconData
calendarHeart → const IconData
calendarHeartFill → const IconData
calendarMinus → const IconData
calendarMinusFill → const IconData
calendarMonth → const IconData
calendarMonthFill → const IconData
calendarPlus → const IconData
calendarPlusFill → const IconData
calendarRange → const IconData
calendarRangeFill → const IconData
calendarWeek → const IconData
calendarWeekFill → const IconData
calendarX → const IconData
calendarXFill → const IconData
camera → const IconData
camera2 → const IconData
cameraFill → const IconData
cameraReels → const IconData
cameraReelsFill → const IconData
cameraVideo → const IconData
cameraVideoFill → const IconData
cameraVideoOff → const IconData
cameraVideoOffFill → const IconData
capslock → const IconData
capslockFill → const IconData
capsule → const IconData
capsulePill → const IconData
cardChecklist → const IconData
cardHeading → const IconData
cardImage → const IconData
cardList → const IconData
cardText → const IconData
caretDown → const IconData
caretDownFill → const IconData
caretDownSquare → const IconData
caretDownSquareFill → const IconData
caretLeft → const IconData
caretLeftFill → const IconData
caretLeftSquare → const IconData
caretLeftSquareFill → const IconData
caretRight → const IconData
caretRightFill → const IconData
caretRightSquare → const IconData
caretRightSquareFill → const IconData
caretUp → const IconData
caretUpFill → const IconData
caretUpSquare → const IconData
caretUpSquareFill → const IconData
carFront → const IconData
carFrontFill → const IconData
cart → const IconData
cart2 → const IconData
cart3 → const IconData
cart4 → const IconData
cartCheck → const IconData
cartCheckFill → const IconData
cartDash → const IconData
cartDashFill → const IconData
cartFill → const IconData
cartPlus → const IconData
cartPlusFill → const IconData
cartX → const IconData
cartXFill → const IconData
cash → const IconData
cashCoin → const IconData
cashStack → const IconData
cassette → const IconData
cassetteFill → const IconData
cast → const IconData
ccCircle → const IconData
ccCircleFill → const IconData
cCircle → const IconData
cCircleFill → const IconData
ccSquare → const IconData
ccSquareFill → const IconData
chat → const IconData
chatDots → const IconData
chatDotsFill → const IconData
chatFill → const IconData
chatHeart → const IconData
chatHeartFill → const IconData
chatLeft → const IconData
chatLeftDots → const IconData
chatLeftDotsFill → const IconData
chatLeftFill → const IconData
chatLeftHeart → const IconData
chatLeftHeartFill → const IconData
chatLeftQuote → const IconData
chatLeftQuoteFill → const IconData
chatLeftText → const IconData
chatLeftTextFill → const IconData
chatQuote → const IconData
chatQuoteFill → const IconData
chatRight → const IconData
chatRightDots → const IconData
chatRightDotsFill → const IconData
chatRightFill → const IconData
chatRightHeart → const IconData
chatRightHeartFill → const IconData
chatRightQuote → const IconData
chatRightQuoteFill → const IconData
chatRightText → const IconData
chatRightTextFill → const IconData
chatSquare → const IconData
chatSquareDots → const IconData
chatSquareDotsFill → const IconData
chatSquareFill → const IconData
chatSquareHeart → const IconData
chatSquareHeartFill → const IconData
chatSquareQuote → const IconData
chatSquareQuoteFill → const IconData
chatSquareText → const IconData
chatSquareTextFill → const IconData
chatText → const IconData
chatTextFill → const IconData
check → const IconData
check2 → const IconData
check2All → const IconData
check2Circle → const IconData
check2Square → const IconData
checkAll → const IconData
checkCircle → const IconData
checkCircleFill → const IconData
checkLg → const IconData
checkSquare → const IconData
checkSquareFill → const IconData
chevronBarContract → const IconData
chevronBarDown → const IconData
chevronBarExpand → const IconData
chevronBarLeft → const IconData
chevronBarRight → const IconData
chevronBarUp → const IconData
chevronCompactDown → const IconData
chevronCompactLeft → const IconData
chevronCompactRight → const IconData
chevronCompactUp → const IconData
chevronContract → const IconData
chevronDoubleDown → const IconData
chevronDoubleLeft → const IconData
chevronDoubleRight → const IconData
chevronDoubleUp → const IconData
chevronDown → const IconData
chevronExpand → const IconData
chevronLeft → const IconData
chevronRight → const IconData
chevronUp → const IconData
circle → const IconData
circleFill → const IconData
circleHalf → const IconData
circleSquare → const IconData
clipboard → const IconData
clipboard2 → const IconData
clipboard2Check → const IconData
clipboard2CheckFill → const IconData
clipboard2Data → const IconData
clipboard2DataFill → const IconData
clipboard2Fill → const IconData
clipboard2Heart → const IconData
clipboard2HeartFill → const IconData
clipboard2Minus → const IconData
clipboard2MinusFill → const IconData
clipboard2Plus → const IconData
clipboard2PlusFill → const IconData
clipboard2Pulse → const IconData
clipboard2PulseFill → const IconData
clipboard2X → const IconData
clipboard2XFill → const IconData
clipboardCheck → const IconData
clipboardCheckFill → const IconData
clipboardData → const IconData
clipboardDataFill → const IconData
clipboardFill → const IconData
clipboardHeart → const IconData
clipboardHeartFill → const IconData
clipboardMinus → const IconData
clipboardMinusFill → const IconData
clipboardPlus → const IconData
clipboardPlusFill → const IconData
clipboardPulse → const IconData
clipboardX → const IconData
clipboardXFill → const IconData
clock → const IconData
clockFill → const IconData
clockHistory → const IconData
cloud → const IconData
cloudArrowDown → const IconData
cloudArrowDownFill → const IconData
cloudArrowUp → const IconData
cloudArrowUpFill → const IconData
cloudCheck → const IconData
cloudCheckFill → const IconData
cloudDownload → const IconData
cloudDownloadFill → const IconData
cloudDrizzle → const IconData
cloudDrizzleFill → const IconData
cloudFill → const IconData
cloudFog → const IconData
cloudFog2 → const IconData
cloudFog2Fill → const IconData
cloudFogFill → const IconData
cloudHail → const IconData
cloudHailFill → const IconData
cloudHaze → const IconData
cloudHaze2 → const IconData
cloudHaze2Fill → const IconData
cloudHazeFill → const IconData
cloudLightning → const IconData
cloudLightningFill → const IconData
cloudLightningRain → const IconData
cloudLightningRainFill → const IconData
cloudMinus → const IconData
cloudMinusFill → const IconData
cloudMoon → const IconData
cloudMoonFill → const IconData
cloudPlus → const IconData
cloudPlusFill → const IconData
cloudRain → const IconData
cloudRainFill → const IconData
cloudRainHeavy → const IconData
cloudRainHeavyFill → const IconData
clouds → const IconData
cloudsFill → const IconData
cloudSlash → const IconData
cloudSlashFill → const IconData
cloudSleet → const IconData
cloudSleetFill → const IconData
cloudSnow → const IconData
cloudSnowFill → const IconData
cloudSun → const IconData
cloudSunFill → const IconData
cloudUpload → const IconData
cloudUploadFill → const IconData
cloudy → const IconData
cloudyFill → const IconData
code → const IconData
codeSlash → const IconData
codeSquare → const IconData
coin → const IconData
collection → const IconData
collectionFill → const IconData
collectionPlay → const IconData
collectionPlayFill → const IconData
columns → const IconData
columnsGap → const IconData
command → const IconData
compass → const IconData
compassFill → const IconData
cone → const IconData
coneStriped → const IconData
controller → const IconData
copy → const IconData
cpu → const IconData
cpuFill → const IconData
creditCard → const IconData
creditCard2Back → const IconData
creditCard2BackFill → const IconData
creditCard2Front → const IconData
creditCard2FrontFill → const IconData
creditCardFill → const IconData
crop → const IconData
crosshair → const IconData
crosshair2 → const IconData
cSquare → const IconData
cSquareFill → const IconData
cup → const IconData
cupFill → const IconData
cupHot → const IconData
cupHotFill → const IconData
cupStraw → const IconData
currencyBitcoin → const IconData
currencyDollar → const IconData
currencyEuro → const IconData
currencyExchange → const IconData
currencyPound → const IconData
currencyRupee → const IconData
currencyYen → const IconData
cursor → const IconData
cursorFill → const IconData
cursorText → const IconData
dash → const IconData
dashCircle → const IconData
dashCircleDotted → const IconData
dashCircleFill → const IconData
dashLg → const IconData
dashSquare → const IconData
dashSquareDotted → const IconData
dashSquareFill → const IconData
database → const IconData
databaseAdd → const IconData
databaseCheck → const IconData
databaseDash → const IconData
databaseDown → const IconData
databaseExclamation → const IconData
databaseFill → const IconData
databaseFillAdd → const IconData
databaseFillCheck → const IconData
databaseFillDash → const IconData
databaseFillDown → const IconData
databaseFillExclamation → const IconData
databaseFillGear → const IconData
databaseFillLock → const IconData
databaseFillSlash → const IconData
databaseFillUp → const IconData
databaseFillX → const IconData
databaseGear → const IconData
databaseLock → const IconData
databaseSlash → const IconData
databaseUp → const IconData
databaseX → const IconData
deviceHdd → const IconData
deviceHddFill → const IconData
deviceSsd → const IconData
deviceSsdFill → const IconData
diagram2 → const IconData
diagram2Fill → const IconData
diagram3 → const IconData
diagram3Fill → const IconData
diamond → const IconData
diamondFill → const IconData
diamondHalf → const IconData
dice1 → const IconData
dice1Fill → const IconData
dice2 → const IconData
dice2Fill → const IconData
dice3 → const IconData
dice3Fill → const IconData
dice4 → const IconData
dice4Fill → const IconData
dice5 → const IconData
dice5Fill → const IconData
dice6 → const IconData
dice6Fill → const IconData
disc → const IconData
discFill → const IconData
discord → const IconData
display → const IconData
displayFill → const IconData
displayport → const IconData
displayportFill → const IconData
distributeHorizontal → const IconData
distributeVertical → const IconData
doorClosed → const IconData
doorClosedFill → const IconData
doorOpen → const IconData
doorOpenFill → const IconData
dot → const IconData
download → const IconData
dpad → const IconData
dpadFill → const IconData
dribbble → const IconData
dropbox → const IconData
droplet → const IconData
dropletFill → const IconData
dropletHalf → const IconData
duffle → const IconData
duffleFill → const IconData
ear → const IconData
earbuds → const IconData
earFill → const IconData
easel → const IconData
easel2 → const IconData
easel2Fill → const IconData
easel3 → const IconData
easel3Fill → const IconData
easelFill → const IconData
egg → const IconData
eggFill → const IconData
eggFried → const IconData
eject → const IconData
ejectFill → const IconData
emojiAngry → const IconData
emojiAngryFill → const IconData
emojiAstonished → const IconData
emojiAstonishedFill → const IconData
emojiDizzy → const IconData
emojiDizzyFill → const IconData
emojiExpressionless → const IconData
emojiExpressionlessFill → const IconData
emojiFrown → const IconData
emojiFrownFill → const IconData
emojiGrimace → const IconData
emojiGrimaceFill → const IconData
emojiGrin → const IconData
emojiGrinFill → const IconData
emojiHeartEyes → const IconData
emojiHeartEyesFill → const IconData
emojiKiss → const IconData
emojiKissFill → const IconData
emojiLaughing → const IconData
emojiLaughingFill → const IconData
emojiNeutral → const IconData
emojiNeutralFill → const IconData
emojiSmile → const IconData
emojiSmileFill → const IconData
emojiSmileUpsideDown → const IconData
emojiSmileUpsideDownFill → const IconData
emojiSunglasses → const IconData
emojiSunglassesFill → const IconData
emojiSurprise → const IconData
emojiSurpriseFill → const IconData
emojiTear → const IconData
emojiTearFill → const IconData
emojiWink → const IconData
emojiWinkFill → const IconData
envelope → const IconData
envelopeArrowDown → const IconData
envelopeArrowDownFill → const IconData
envelopeArrowUp → const IconData
envelopeArrowUpFill → const IconData
envelopeAt → const IconData
envelopeAtFill → const IconData
envelopeCheck → const IconData
envelopeCheckFill → const IconData
envelopeDash → const IconData
envelopeDashFill → const IconData
envelopeExclamation → const IconData
envelopeExclamationFill → const IconData
envelopeFill → const IconData
envelopeHeart → const IconData
envelopeHeartFill → const IconData
envelopeOpen → const IconData
envelopeOpenFill → const IconData
envelopeOpenHeart → const IconData
envelopeOpenHeartFill → const IconData
envelopePaper → const IconData
envelopePaperFill → const IconData
envelopePaperHeart → const IconData
envelopePaperHeartFill → const IconData
envelopePlus → const IconData
envelopePlusFill → const IconData
envelopeSlash → const IconData
envelopeSlashFill → const IconData
envelopeX → const IconData
envelopeXFill → const IconData
eraser → const IconData
eraserFill → const IconData
escape → const IconData
ethernet → const IconData
evFront → const IconData
evFrontFill → const IconData
evStation → const IconData
evStationFill → const IconData
exclamation → const IconData
exclamationCircle → const IconData
exclamationCircleFill → const IconData
exclamationDiamond → const IconData
exclamationDiamondFill → const IconData
exclamationLg → const IconData
exclamationOctagon → const IconData
exclamationOctagonFill → const IconData
exclamationSquare → const IconData
exclamationSquareFill → const IconData
exclamationTriangle → const IconData
exclamationTriangleFill → const IconData
exclude → const IconData
explicit → const IconData
explicitFill → const IconData
exposure → const IconData
eye → const IconData
eyedropper → const IconData
eyeFill → const IconData
eyeglasses → const IconData
eyeSlash → const IconData
eyeSlashFill → const IconData
facebook → const IconData
fan → const IconData
fastForward → const IconData
fastForwardBtn → const IconData
fastForwardBtnFill → const IconData
fastForwardCircle → const IconData
fastForwardCircleFill → const IconData
fastForwardFill → const IconData
feather → const IconData
feather2 → const IconData
file → const IconData
fileArrowDown → const IconData
fileArrowDownFill → const IconData
fileArrowUp → const IconData
fileArrowUpFill → const IconData
fileBarGraph → const IconData
fileBarGraphFill → const IconData
fileBinary → const IconData
fileBinaryFill → const IconData
fileBreak → const IconData
fileBreakFill → const IconData
fileCheck → const IconData
fileCheckFill → const IconData
fileCode → const IconData
fileCodeFill → const IconData
fileDiff → const IconData
fileDiffFill → const IconData
fileEarmark → const IconData
fileEarmarkArrowDown → const IconData
fileEarmarkArrowDownFill → const IconData
fileEarmarkArrowUp → const IconData
fileEarmarkArrowUpFill → const IconData
fileEarmarkBarGraph → const IconData
fileEarmarkBarGraphFill → const IconData
fileEarmarkBinary → const IconData
fileEarmarkBinaryFill → const IconData
fileEarmarkBreak → const IconData
fileEarmarkBreakFill → const IconData
fileEarmarkCheck → const IconData
fileEarmarkCheckFill → const IconData
fileEarmarkCode → const IconData
fileEarmarkCodeFill → const IconData
fileEarmarkDiff → const IconData
fileEarmarkDiffFill → const IconData
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fileFont → const IconData
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fileLock → const IconData
fileLock2 → const IconData
fileLock2Fill → const IconData
fileLockFill → const IconData
fileMedical → const IconData
fileMedicalFill → const IconData
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fileMusic → const IconData
fileMusicFill → const IconData
filePdf → const IconData
filePdfFill → const IconData
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filePlay → const IconData
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fileRichtext → const IconData
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filetypeYml → const IconData
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fileZip → const IconData
fileZipFill → const IconData
film → const IconData
filter → const IconData
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fingerprint → const IconData
fire → const IconData
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folder → const IconData
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folder2Open → const IconData
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fonts → const IconData
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fullscreenExit → const IconData
funnel → const IconData
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genderAmbiguous → const IconData
genderFemale → const IconData
genderMale → const IconData
genderNeuter → const IconData
genderTrans → const IconData
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gift → const IconData
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git → const IconData
github → const IconData
gitlab → const IconData
globe → const IconData
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globeAmericas → const IconData
globeAsiaAustralia → const IconData
globeCentralSouthAsia → const IconData
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google → const IconData
googlePlay → const IconData
gpuCard → const IconData
graphDown → const IconData
graphDownArrow → const IconData
graphUp → const IconData
graphUpArrow → const IconData
grid → const IconData
grid1x2 → const IconData
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grid3x2Gap → const IconData
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grid3x3Gap → const IconData
grid3x3GapFill → const IconData
gridFill → const IconData
gripHorizontal → const IconData
gripVertical → const IconData
hammer → const IconData
handbag → const IconData
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handIndexThumb → const IconData
handIndexThumbFill → const IconData
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hash → const IconData
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headphones → const IconData
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headsetVr → const IconData
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hospital → const IconData
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hourglass → const IconData
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house → const IconData
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houseDoor → const IconData
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houseGear → const IconData
houseGearFill → const IconData
houseHeart → const IconData
houseHeartFill → const IconData
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houseLockFill → const IconData
houses → const IconData
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houseXFill → const IconData
hr → const IconData
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hurricane → const IconData
hypnotize → const IconData
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images → const IconData
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indent → const IconData
infinity → const IconData
info → const IconData
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instagram → const IconData
intersect → const IconData
journal → const IconData
journalAlbum → const IconData
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journalBookmark → const IconData
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journalMedical → const IconData
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journalRichtext → const IconData
journals → const IconData
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journalX → const IconData
joystick → const IconData
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kanban → const IconData
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key → const IconData
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ladder → const IconData
lamp → const IconData
lampFill → const IconData
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layerBackward → const IconData
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layers → const IconData
layersFill → const IconData
layersHalf → const IconData
layoutSidebar → const IconData
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layoutSidebarInsetReverse → const IconData
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layoutSplit → const IconData
layoutTextSidebar → const IconData
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layoutTextWindowReverse → const IconData
layoutThreeColumns → const IconData
layoutWtf → const IconData
lifePreserver → const IconData
lightbulb → const IconData
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lightbulbOff → const IconData
lightbulbOffFill → const IconData
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lightningCharge → const IconData
lightningChargeFill → const IconData
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line → const IconData
link45deg → const IconData
linkedin → const IconData
list → const IconData
listCheck → const IconData
listColumns → const IconData
listColumnsReverse → const IconData
listNested → const IconData
listOl → const IconData
listStars → const IconData
listTask → const IconData
listUl → const IconData
lock → const IconData
lockFill → const IconData
luggage → const IconData
luggageFill → const IconData
lungs → const IconData
lungsFill → const IconData
magic → const IconData
magnet → const IconData
magnetFill → const IconData
mailbox → const IconData
mailbox2 → const IconData
mailbox2Flag → const IconData
mailboxFlag → const IconData
map → const IconData
mapFill → const IconData
markdown → const IconData
markdownFill → const IconData
markerTip → const IconData
mask → const IconData
mastodon → const IconData
medium → const IconData
megaphone → const IconData
megaphoneFill → const IconData
memory → const IconData
messenger → const IconData
meta → const IconData
mic → const IconData
micFill → const IconData
micMute → const IconData
micMuteFill → const IconData
microsoft → const IconData
microsoftTeams → const IconData
minecart → const IconData
minecartLoaded → const IconData
modem → const IconData
modemFill → const IconData
moisture → const IconData
moon → const IconData
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moonStars → const IconData
moonStarsFill → const IconData
mortarboard → const IconData
mortarboardFill → const IconData
motherboard → const IconData
motherboardFill → const IconData
mouse → const IconData
mouse2 → const IconData
mouse2Fill → const IconData
mouse3 → const IconData
mouse3Fill → const IconData
mouseFill → const IconData
musicNote → const IconData
musicNoteBeamed → const IconData
musicNoteList → const IconData
musicPlayer → const IconData
musicPlayerFill → const IconData
newspaper → const IconData
nintendoSwitch → const IconData
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nodePlusFill → const IconData
noiseReduction → const IconData
nut → const IconData
nutFill → const IconData
nvidia → const IconData
nvme → const IconData
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octagon → const IconData
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opencollective → const IconData
opticalAudio → const IconData
opticalAudioFill → const IconData
option → const IconData
outlet → const IconData
paintBucket → const IconData
palette → const IconData
palette2 → const IconData
paletteFill → const IconData
paperclip → const IconData
paragraph → const IconData
pass → const IconData
passFill → const IconData
passport → const IconData
passportFill → const IconData
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patchExclamation → const IconData
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patchPlusFill → const IconData
patchQuestion → const IconData
patchQuestionFill → const IconData
pause → const IconData
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pauseFill → const IconData
paypal → const IconData
pc → const IconData
pcDisplay → const IconData
pcDisplayHorizontal → const IconData
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pciCard → const IconData
pciCardNetwork → const IconData
pciCardSound → const IconData
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peace → const IconData
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pen → const IconData
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penFill → const IconData
pentagon → const IconData
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people → const IconData
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percent → const IconData
person → const IconData
personAdd → const IconData
personArmsUp → const IconData
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personBoundingBox → const IconData
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personRaisedHand → const IconData
personRolodex → const IconData
personSlash → const IconData
personSquare → const IconData
personStanding → const IconData
personStandingDress → const IconData
personUp → const IconData
personVcard → const IconData
personVcardFill → const IconData
personVideo → const IconData
personVideo2 → const IconData
personVideo3 → const IconData
personWalking → const IconData
personWheelchair → const IconData
personWorkspace → const IconData
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phone → const IconData
phoneFill → const IconData
phoneFlip → const IconData
phoneLandscape → const IconData
phoneLandscapeFill → const IconData
phoneVibrate → const IconData
phoneVibrateFill → const IconData
pieChart → const IconData
pieChartFill → const IconData
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pin → const IconData
pinAngle → const IconData
pinAngleFill → const IconData
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pinMap → const IconData
pinMapFill → const IconData
pinterest → const IconData
pip → const IconData
pipFill → const IconData
play → const IconData
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playstation → const IconData
plug → const IconData
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plugin → const IconData
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plusSlashMinus → const IconData
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qrCode → const IconData
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questionDiamond → const IconData
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questionLg → const IconData
questionOctagon → const IconData
questionOctagonFill → const IconData
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questionSquareFill → const IconData
quora → const IconData
quote → const IconData
radar → const IconData
radioactive → const IconData
rainbow → const IconData
rCircle → const IconData
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reddit → const IconData
regex → const IconData
repeat → const IconData
repeat1 → const IconData
reply → const IconData
replyAll → const IconData
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replyFill → const IconData
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robot → const IconData
rocket → const IconData
rocketFill → const IconData
rocketTakeoff → const IconData
rocketTakeoffFill → const IconData
router → const IconData
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rss → const IconData
rssFill → const IconData
rulers → const IconData
safe → const IconData
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save → const IconData
save2 → const IconData
save2Fill → const IconData
saveFill → const IconData
scissors → const IconData
scooter → const IconData
screwdriver → const IconData
sdCard → const IconData
sdCardFill → const IconData
searchHeart → const IconData
searchHeartFill → const IconData
segmentedNav → const IconData
send → const IconData
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sendArrowUpFill → const IconData
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sendPlus → const IconData
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sendXFill → const IconData
server → const IconData
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share → const IconData
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shield → const IconData
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shieldFillX → const IconData
shieldLock → const IconData
shieldLockFill → const IconData
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shieldShaded → const IconData
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shieldSlashFill → const IconData
shieldX → const IconData
shift → const IconData
shiftFill → const IconData
shop → const IconData
shopWindow → const IconData
shuffle → const IconData
signal → const IconData
signDeadEnd → const IconData
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signDoNotEnter → const IconData
signDoNotEnterFill → const IconData
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signIntersectionTFill → const IconData
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signMergeRightFill → const IconData
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signNoParking → const IconData
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signpostSplit → const IconData
signpostSplitFill → const IconData
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signRailroadFill → const IconData
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signStopFill → const IconData
signStopLights → const IconData
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signTurnRightFill → const IconData
signTurnSlightLeft → const IconData
signTurnSlightLeftFill → const IconData
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signTurnSlightRightFill → const IconData
signYield → const IconData
signYieldFill → const IconData
sim → const IconData
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simSlash → const IconData
simSlashFill → const IconData
sinaWeibo → const IconData
skipBackward → const IconData
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skipForward → const IconData
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skipForwardFill → const IconData
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skipStartCircleFill → const IconData
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skype → const IconData
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slash → const IconData
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slashLg → const IconData
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slashSquareFill → const IconData
sliders → const IconData
sliders2 → const IconData
sliders2Vertical → const IconData
smartwatch → const IconData
snapchat → const IconData
snow → const IconData
snow2 → const IconData
snow3 → const IconData
sortAlphaDown → const IconData
sortAlphaDownAlt → const IconData
sortAlphaUp → const IconData
sortAlphaUpAlt → const IconData
sortDown → const IconData
sortDownAlt → const IconData
sortNumericDown → const IconData
sortNumericDownAlt → const IconData
sortNumericUp → const IconData
sortNumericUpAlt → const IconData
sortUp → const IconData
sortUpAlt → const IconData
soundwave → const IconData
sourceforge → const IconData
speaker → const IconData
speakerFill → const IconData
speedometer → const IconData
speedometer2 → const IconData
spellcheck → const IconData
spotify → const IconData
square → const IconData
squareFill → const IconData
squareHalf → const IconData
stack → const IconData
stackOverflow → const IconData
star → const IconData
starFill → const IconData
starHalf → const IconData
stars → const IconData
steam → const IconData
stickies → const IconData
stickiesFill → const IconData
sticky → const IconData
stickyFill → const IconData
stop → const IconData
stopBtn → const IconData
stopBtnFill → const IconData
stopCircle → const IconData
stopCircleFill → const IconData
stopFill → const IconData
stoplights → const IconData
stoplightsFill → const IconData
stopwatch → const IconData
stopwatchFill → const IconData
strava → const IconData
stripe → const IconData
subscript → const IconData
substack → const IconData
subtract → const IconData
suitcase → const IconData
suitcase2 → const IconData
suitcase2Fill → const IconData
suitcaseFill → const IconData
suitcaseLg → const IconData
suitcaseLgFill → const IconData
suitClub → const IconData
suitClubFill → const IconData
suitDiamond → const IconData
suitDiamondFill → const IconData
suitHeart → const IconData
suitHeartFill → const IconData
suitSpade → const IconData
suitSpadeFill → const IconData
sun → const IconData
sunFill → const IconData
sunglasses → const IconData
sunrise → const IconData
sunriseFill → const IconData
sunset → const IconData
sunsetFill → const IconData
superscript → const IconData
symmetryHorizontal → const IconData
symmetryVertical → const IconData
table → const IconData
tablet → const IconData
tabletFill → const IconData
tabletLandscape → const IconData
tabletLandscapeFill → const IconData
tag → const IconData
tagFill → const IconData
tags → const IconData
tagsFill → const IconData
taxiFront → const IconData
taxiFrontFill → const IconData
telegram → const IconData
telephone → const IconData
telephoneFill → const IconData
telephoneForward → const IconData
telephoneForwardFill → const IconData
telephoneInbound → const IconData
telephoneInboundFill → const IconData
telephoneMinus → const IconData
telephoneMinusFill → const IconData
telephoneOutbound → const IconData
telephoneOutboundFill → const IconData
telephonePlus → const IconData
telephonePlusFill → const IconData
telephoneX → const IconData
telephoneXFill → const IconData
tencentQq → const IconData
terminal → const IconData
terminalDash → const IconData
terminalFill → const IconData
terminalPlus → const IconData
terminalSplit → const IconData
terminalX → const IconData
textarea → const IconData
textareaResize → const IconData
textareaT → const IconData
textCenter → const IconData
textIndentLeft → const IconData
textIndentRight → const IconData
textLeft → const IconData
textParagraph → const IconData
textRight → const IconData
textWrap → const IconData
thermometer → const IconData
thermometerHalf → const IconData
thermometerHigh → const IconData
thermometerLow → const IconData
thermometerSnow → const IconData
thermometerSun → const IconData
threads → const IconData
threadsFill → const IconData
threeDots → const IconData
threeDotsVertical → const IconData
thunderbolt → const IconData
thunderboltFill → const IconData
ticket → const IconData
ticketDetailed → const IconData
ticketDetailedFill → const IconData
ticketFill → const IconData
ticketPerforated → const IconData
ticketPerforatedFill → const IconData
tiktok → const IconData
toggle2Off → const IconData
toggle2On → const IconData
toggleOff → const IconData
toggleOn → const IconData
toggles → const IconData
toggles2 → const IconData
tools → const IconData
tornado → const IconData
trainFreightFront → const IconData
trainFreightFrontFill → const IconData
trainFront → const IconData
trainFrontFill → const IconData
trainLightrailFront → const IconData
trainLightrailFrontFill → const IconData
translate → const IconData
transparency → const IconData
trash → const IconData
trash2 → const IconData
trash2Fill → const IconData
trash3 → const IconData
trash3Fill → const IconData
trashFill → const IconData
tree → const IconData
treeFill → const IconData
trello → const IconData
triangle → const IconData
triangleFill → const IconData
triangleHalf → const IconData
trophy → const IconData
trophyFill → const IconData
tropicalStorm → const IconData
truck → const IconData
truckFlatbed → const IconData
truckFront → const IconData
truckFrontFill → const IconData
tsunami → const IconData
tv → const IconData
tvFill → const IconData
twitch → const IconData
twitter → const IconData
twitterX → const IconData
type → const IconData
typeBold → const IconData
typeH1 → const IconData
typeH2 → const IconData
typeH3 → const IconData
typeH4 → const IconData
typeH5 → const IconData
typeH6 → const IconData
typeItalic → const IconData
typeStrikethrough → const IconData
typeUnderline → const IconData
ubuntu → const IconData
uiChecks → const IconData
uiChecksGrid → const IconData
uiRadios → const IconData
uiRadiosGrid → const IconData
umbrella → const IconData
umbrellaFill → const IconData
unindent → const IconData
union → const IconData
unity → const IconData
universalAccess → const IconData
universalAccessCircle → const IconData
unlock → const IconData
unlockFill → const IconData
upc → const IconData
upcScan → const IconData
upload → const IconData
usb → const IconData
usbC → const IconData
usbCFill → const IconData
usbDrive → const IconData
usbDriveFill → const IconData
usbFill → const IconData
usbMicro → const IconData
usbMicroFill → const IconData
usbMini → const IconData
usbMiniFill → const IconData
usbPlug → const IconData
usbPlugFill → const IconData
usbSymbol → const IconData
valentine → const IconData
valentine2 → const IconData
vectorPen → const IconData
viewList → const IconData
viewStacked → const IconData
vignette → const IconData
vimeo → const IconData
vinyl → const IconData
vinylFill → const IconData
virus → const IconData
virus2 → const IconData
voicemail → const IconData
volumeDown → const IconData
volumeDownFill → const IconData
volumeMute → const IconData
volumeMuteFill → const IconData
volumeOff → const IconData
volumeOffFill → const IconData
volumeUp → const IconData
volumeUpFill → const IconData
vr → const IconData
wallet → const IconData
wallet2 → const IconData
walletFill → const IconData
watch → const IconData
water → const IconData
webcam → const IconData
webcamFill → const IconData
wechat → const IconData
whatsapp → const IconData
wifi → const IconData
wifi1 → const IconData
wifi2 → const IconData
wifiOff → const IconData
wikipedia → const IconData
wind → const IconData
window → const IconData
windowDash → const IconData
windowDesktop → const IconData
windowDock → const IconData
windowFullscreen → const IconData
windowPlus → const IconData
windows → const IconData
windowSidebar → const IconData
windowSplit → const IconData
windowStack → const IconData
windowX → const IconData
wordpress → const IconData
wrench → const IconData
wrenchAdjustable → const IconData
wrenchAdjustableCircle → const IconData
wrenchAdjustableCircleFill → const IconData
x → const IconData
xbox → const IconData
xCircle → const IconData
xCircleFill → const IconData
xDiamond → const IconData
xDiamondFill → const IconData
xLg → const IconData
xOctagon → const IconData
xOctagonFill → const IconData
xSquare → const IconData
xSquareFill → const IconData
yelp → const IconData
yinYang → const IconData
youtube → const IconData
zoomIn → const IconData
zoomOut → const IconData