arb_utils library

A library with tools for handling .arb files


An object that handles translations dynamically, by processing the .arb JSON on demand.


addMissingMetadata(String arbContents) String
Adds any missing default metadata for keys
diffARBs(String arb1Contents, String arb2Contents) String
Generates a .arb String with the results of differencing arb1Contents with arb2Contents: if both the key and it's value are the same that tuple will be omitted of the result.
mergeARBs(String arb1Contents, String arb2Contents) String
Includes the novel keys of arb2Contents in the arb1Contents and returns the result of the merge. In case of discrepances of the values for the same key, the arb2Contents will prevail
processNewKeys(String mainARB, String oldARBversion) String
Processes the new/edited keys of the mainARB input (which should be the .arb used to add new keys in the developed app) comparing it with the .arb formatted oldARBversion and produces a .arb containing them as the output
sortARB(String arbContents, {int compareFunction(String, String)?, bool caseInsensitive = false, bool naturalOrdering = false, bool descendingOrdering = false}) String
Sorts the .arb formatted String arbContents in alphabetical order of the keys, with the @key portion added below it's respective key Optionally you can provide a compareFunction for customizing the sorting. For simplicity sake there are common sorting features you can use when not defining the former parameter


MissingKeyCallback = void Function(String key)
MissingKeyDefaultValue = String Function(String key)