aqua library




avoidRedBlackWhitePaletteFilter(HSLColor color) bool
A basic PaletteFilter, which rejects colors near black, white and low saturation red.
capitalize(String input) String
createFile(dynamic filePath, {bool clear = false}) Future<void>
delay(int milliseconds, {Function? callback, bool verbose = false}) Future<void>
disallowGlow(Widget child) Widget
generateID({int length = 25}) String
getRandomNumber({int min = 0, int max = 100}) double
initIsolate(String name, dynamic callback(List<Object?>), {Function? onListenCallback, List? callbackArgs, bool verbose = false}) Future<SpawnedIsolate>
log(String data, String logFile, {bool clear = false, bool time = true}) Future<void>
obscureText(String text) String
pretifyNumber(String number) String
pretifyOutput(String info, {AqColor color =, AqColor? bgColor, String? path, bool clear = false, String? endLine}) Future<void>
readTimestamp(int timestamp) String
requestFocus(Widget child, BuildContext context, {FocusNode? focusNode}) Widget
showSnackBar(String info, BuildContext context, {Color color = Colors.white, Color bgColor = Colors.redAccent, bool mounted = false, int seconds = 2}) → void
tryCatch(dynamic callback, {List? args, bool verbose = false, dynamic onError}) Future


PaletteFilter = bool Function(HSLColor color)
Hook to allow clients to be able filter colors from selected in a PaletteGenerator. Returns true if the color is allowed.