mutateTokenProperties method

Future<String> mutateTokenProperties(
  1. AptosAccount account,
  2. String tokenOwner,
  3. String creator,
  4. String collectionName,
  5. String tokenName,
  6. BigInt propertyVersion,
  7. BigInt amount,
  8. List<String> keys,
  9. List<Uint8List> values,
  10. List<String> types, {
  11. BigInt? maxGasAmount,
  12. BigInt? gasUnitPrice,
  13. BigInt? expireTimestamp,

account creator mutates the properties of the tokens own by tokenOwner


Future<String> mutateTokenProperties(
  AptosAccount account,
  String tokenOwner,
  String creator,
  String collectionName,
  String tokenName,
  BigInt propertyVersion,
  BigInt amount,
  List<String> keys,
  List<Uint8List> values,
  List<String> types, {
  BigInt? maxGasAmount,
  BigInt? gasUnitPrice,
  BigInt? expireTimestamp
}) {
  final payload = transactionBuilder.buildTransactionPayload(
    [tokenOwner, creator, collectionName, tokenName, propertyVersion, amount, keys, values, types],

  return aptosClient.generateSignSubmitTransaction(
    maxGasAmount: maxGasAmount,
    gasUnitPrice: gasUnitPrice,
    expireTimestamp: expireTimestamp