TokenClient class

Class for creating, minting and managing minting NFT collections and tokens.


TokenClient(AptosClient client)


aptosClient AptosClient
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
transactionBuilder TransactionBuilderABI


burnByCreator(AptosAccount creator, String ownerAddress, String collection, String name, BigInt propertyVersion, BigInt amount, {BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
BurnToken by Creator
burnByOwner(AptosAccount owner, String creatorAddress, String collection, String name, BigInt propertyVersion, BigInt amount, {BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
BurnToken by Owner
cancelTokenOffer(AptosAccount account, String receiver, String creator, String collectionName, String name, {int? propertyVersion, BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
Removes a token from pending claims list and return the hash of the transaction submitted to the API.
claimToken(AptosAccount account, String sender, String creator, String collectionName, String name, {int? propertyVersion, BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
Claims a token on specified account and return the hash of the transaction submitted to the API.
createCollection(AptosAccount account, String name, String description, String uri, {BigInt? maxAmount, BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
Creates a new NFT collection within the specified account and return the hash of the transaction submitted to the API.
createToken(AptosAccount account, String collectionName, String name, String description, int supply, String uri, {BigInt? max, String? royaltyPayeeAddress, int? royaltyPointsDenominator, int? royaltyPointsNumerator, List<String>? propertyKeys, List<String>? propertyValues, List<String>? propertyTypes, BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
Creates a new NFT within the specified account and return the hash of the transaction submitted to the API.
createTokenWithMutabilityConfig(AptosAccount account, String collectionName, String name, String description, int supply, String uri, {BigInt? max, String? royaltyPayeeAddress, int? royaltyPointsDenominator, int? royaltyPointsNumerator, List<String>? propertyKeys, List<Uint8List>? propertyValues, List<String>? propertyTypes, List<bool>? mutabilityConfig, BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
Creates a new NFT within the specified account and return the hash of the transaction submitted to the API.
directTransferToken(AptosAccount sender, AptosAccount receiver, String creator, String collectionName, String name, int amount, {int? propertyVersion, BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
Directly transfer the specified amount of tokens from account to receiver using a single multi signature transaction. And return the hash of the transaction submitted to the API.
getCollectionData(String creator, String collectionName) Future
Queries collection data.
getToken(String creator, String collectionName, String tokenName, {int? propertyVersion = 0}) Future<Token>
Queries token balance for the token creator.
getTokenData(String creator, String collectionName, String tokenName) Future<TokenData>
Queries token data from collection.
getTokenForAccount(String account, TokenId tokenId) Future<Token>
Queries token balance for a token account.
mutateTokenProperties(AptosAccount account, String tokenOwner, String creator, String collectionName, String tokenName, BigInt propertyVersion, BigInt amount, List<String> keys, List<Uint8List> values, List<String> types, {BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
account creator mutates the properties of the tokens own by tokenOwner
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
offerToken(AptosAccount account, String receiver, String creator, String collectionName, String name, int amount, {int? propertyVersion, BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
Transfers specified amount of tokens from account to receiver and return the hash of the transaction submitted to the API.
optInTokenTransfer(AptosAccount sender, bool optIn, {BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
User opt-in or out direct transfer through a boolean flag, return the hash of the transaction submitted to the API.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transferWithOptIn(AptosAccount sender, String creator, String collectionName, String tokenName, BigInt propertyVersion, String receiver, BigInt amount, {BigInt? maxGasAmount, BigInt? gasUnitPrice, BigInt? expireTimestamp}) Future<String>
Directly transfer token from sender to a receiver. The receiver should have opted in to direct transfer.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.