updateMfaChallenge method

Future updateMfaChallenge({
  1. required String challengeId,
  2. required String otp,

Create MFA Challenge (confirmation)

Complete the MFA challenge by providing the one-time password. Finish the process of MFA verification by providing the one-time password. To begin the flow, use createMfaChallenge method.


Future updateMfaChallenge(
    {required String challengeId, required String otp}) async {
  const String apiPath = '/account/mfa/challenge';

  final Map<String, dynamic> apiParams = {
    'challengeId': challengeId,
    'otp': otp,

  final Map<String, String> apiHeaders = {
    'content-type': 'application/json',

  final res = await client.call(HttpMethod.put,
      path: apiPath, params: apiParams, headers: apiHeaders);

  return res.data;