createPhoneToken method

Future<Token> createPhoneToken({
  1. required String userId,
  2. required String phone,

Create phone token

Sends the user an SMS with a secret key for creating a session. If the provided user ID has not be registered, a new user will be created. Use the returned user ID and secret and submit a request to the POST /v1/account/sessions/token endpoint to complete the login process. The secret sent to the user's phone is valid for 15 minutes.

A user is limited to 10 active sessions at a time by default. Learn more about session limits.


Future<models.Token> createPhoneToken(
    {required String userId, required String phone}) async {
  const String apiPath = '/account/tokens/phone';

  final Map<String, dynamic> apiParams = {
    'userId': userId,
    'phone': phone,

  final Map<String, String> apiHeaders = {
    'content-type': 'application/json',

  final res = await,
      path: apiPath, params: apiParams, headers: apiHeaders);

  return models.Token.fromMap(;