apptive_grid_heinzelmen library


A Widget to show an attachment as a Image
A change notifier to switch configurations based on ApptiveGridEnvironment
A Widget to Display a DataEntity The Widget will adjust based on the type of DataEntity
A ChangeNotifier to toggle StageBanner on/off
A change notifier for changes in ApptiveGridEnvironment
A DropdownButton to switch the ApptiveGridEnvironment Note this requires that there is a Provider
Formal German Translations for ApptiveGridUserManagementTranslations to use this instead of the default Strings that address the user with 'DU' add this to the ApptiveGridUserManagement Widget like this
Translations for InvitationDialog
A Profile Picture for a User with userId
A Banner widget indicating the current ApptiveGridEnvironment Note this requires that there is a Provider<ConfigurationChangeNotifier


Determine up to which state the image will be loaded


PerformApptiveLinkX on ApptiveGridClient
Extension Method on ApptiveGridClient for simplifying parsing of ApptiveGrid Related Objects


getHighlightSpans({required String getText(String), required String highlight, required TextStyle highlightStyle}) List<TextSpan>
Returns a List of TextSpans that format highlight with highlightStyle This will call getText with highlight to get a String where highlight can be substituted in It will return a List of TextSpan where the first occurrence of highlight has highlightStyle as the applied style If highlight appears in getText but is not the substituted value this will not be counted as the first occurrence Only the first highlight will be styled with highlightStyle
ignoreNoProfilePictureError(dynamic error) bool
Ignoring Function useful for using apptive_grid_error_reporting If this is used inside the ignoreError callback of ApptiveGridErrorReporting this will not report FlutterError that are reported when requesting ProfilePicture from Users that do not have a Profile Picture set
showSpaceInvitationDialog({required BuildContext context, required Space space, List<Role> allowedRoles = Role.values, ApptiveLinkType type = ApptiveLinkType.invite, InvitationLocalization? localization}) Future<bool>
Shows a Dialog to invite/add someone to a Space space is the Space that should be shared. Space.links needs to contain the Link for type Also type needs to be either ApptiveLinkType.invite or ApptiveLinkType.addSpace Note: Even when using ApptiveLinkType.addSpace the Ui will display Strings pointing to the user being invited to a space This can be prevented by using a custom localization