appsmanager library


Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.


admobAppOpen String
getter/setter pair
admobbanner String
getter/setter pair
admobInterstitial String
getter/setter pair
admobRewardedinterstitial String
getter/setter pair
facebookBanner String
getter/setter pair
facebookBanner2 String
getter/setter pair
facebookBanner3 String
getter/setter pair
facebookInterstitial String
getter/setter pair
facebookInterstitial2 String
getter/setter pair
facebookInterstitial3 String
getter/setter pair
facebookNativeAd String
getter/setter pair
facebookNativebanner String
getter/setter pair
facebookNativebanner2 String
getter/setter pair
facebookNativebanner3 String
getter/setter pair
facebookRewardedinterstitial String
getter/setter pair
facebookRewardedvideo String
getter/setter pair
getter/setter pair


appsManagerinit(dynamic appID) Future<void>
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.
fetchAdmobAds(dynamic appID) Future<List<Adsconnects2>>
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.
fetchAppsManagerContents(String appID, String category) Future<List<UploadedContents>>
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.
fetchfacebookAds(dynamic appID) Future<List<Adsconnects>>
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.
processFacrbookAds(dynamic appID) Future<void>
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.
processGoogleAdmobAds(dynamic appID) Future<void>
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.
visitSite(String url) Future<void>
Initializes the app manager by checking if the app is installed and notifying the server about the session and installation status.