paywallsDidLoadCallback static method

Future<ApphudPaywalls> paywallsDidLoadCallback()

Retrieves the paywalls configured in Product Hub > Paywalls, potentially altered based on the user's involvement in A/B testing, if any. Awaits until the inner Stores products are loaded from the App Store or Google Play.

For immediate access without awaiting SKProducts or ProductDetails, use rawPaywalls() method.


static Future<ApphudPaywalls> paywallsDidLoadCallback() async {
  final Map<dynamic, dynamic>? json = await _channel
      .invokeMethod<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>('paywallsDidLoadCallback');
  if (json == null) {
    return ApphudPaywalls(
      error: ApphudError(message: 'paywallsDidLoadCallback error'),
  return ApphudPaywalls.fromJson(json);