Apphud class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

addAttribution({Map<String, dynamic>? data, required ApphudAttributionProvider provider, String? identifier}) Future<bool>
Submit attribution data to Apphud from your attribution network provider.
collectDeviceIdentifiers() Future<void>
Android only. Collects device identifiers that are required for some third-party integrations, like AppsFlyer, Adjust, Singular, etc.
collectSearchAdsAttribution() Future<ApphudError?>
iOS only. Send search ads attribution data to Apphud.
deviceID() Future<String>
Returns current device ID.
enableDebugLogs({ApphudDebugLevel level = ApphudDebugLevel.low}) Future<void>
Enables debug logs. You should call this method before SDK initialization.
fetchPlacements() Future<ApphudPlacements>
Returns the placements from Product Hub > Placements, potentially altered based on the user's involvement in A/B testing, if any.
grantPromotional({required int daysCount, String? productId, ApphudGroup? group}) Future<bool>
You can grant free promotional subscription to user. Returns true in a callback if promotional was granted.
hasActiveSubscription() Future<bool>
Returns true if user has active subscription. Value is cached on device.
hasPremiumAccess() Future<bool>
Returns true if user has active subscription or non renewing purchase (lifetime).
incrementUserProperty({required ApphudUserPropertyKey key, required dynamic by}) Future<void>
Increment custom user property. Value must be one of: int, float
isNonRenewingPurchaseActive(String productIdentifier) Future<bool>
Returns true if current user has purchased standard in-app purchase with given productIdentifier.
loadFallbackPaywalls() Future<ApphudPaywalls?>
Android only. Explicitly loads fallback paywalls from the json file, if it was added to the project assets.
logout() Future<void>
Logs out current user, clears all saved data and resets SDK to uninitialized state.
nonRenewingPurchases() Future<List<ApphudNonRenewingPurchase>>
Returns an array of all standard in-app purchases (consumables, non-consumables or non-renewing subscriptions) that this user has ever purchased.
optOutOfTracking() Future<void>
Android only. Must be called before SDK initialization.
paywallClosed(ApphudPaywall paywall) Future<void>
Call this method when your paywall screen is dismissed without a purchase. This is required for A/B testing analysis.
paywalls() Future<ApphudPaywalls?>
Asynchronously retrieves paywalls from Product Hub > Paywalls, potentially altered based on the user's involvement in A/B testing, if any. Each paywall contains an array of ApphudProduct objects that can be used for purchases. ApphudProduct is Apphud's wrapper around native Stores products.
paywallsDidLoadCallback() Future<ApphudPaywalls>
Retrieves the paywalls configured in Product Hub > Paywalls, potentially altered based on the user's involvement in A/B testing, if any. Awaits until the inner Stores products are loaded from the App Store or Google Play.
paywallShown(ApphudPaywall paywall) Future<void>
Call this method when your paywall screen is displayed to the user. This is required for A/B testing analysis.
permissionGroups() Future<List<ApphudGroup>>
Returns permission groups configured in Apphud dashboard > Product Hub > Products. Groups are cached on device.
placement(String identifier) Future<ApphudPlacement?>
Asynchronously retrieves a specific paywall placement by its identifier configured in Product Hub > Placements, potentially altered based on the user's involvement in A/B testing, if any. Awaits until the inner Stores products are loaded from the App Store or Google Play.
placements() Future<List<ApphudPlacement>>
Asynchronously retrieves the paywall placements configured in Product Hub > Placements, potentially altered based on the user's involvement in A/B testing, if any. Awaits until the inner Stores products are loaded from the App Store or Google Play.
presentOfferCodeRedemptionSheet() Future<void>
Displays an offer code redemption sheet.
product(String productIdentifier) Future<ApphudProductComposite?>
Returns ApphudProductComposite object by productIdentifier.
products() Future<List<ApphudProductComposite>>
Returns array of ApphudProductComposite objects that you added in Apphud > Product Hub > Products.
purchase({String? productId, ApphudProduct? product, String? offerIdToken, String? oldToken, int? replacementMode}) Future<ApphudPurchaseResult>
Purchase product and automatically submits App Store Receipt (iOS) or Google Play purchase token (Android) to Apphud.
purchasePromo({required String productId, required String discountID}) Future<ApphudPurchaseResult>
This method automatically sends in-app purchase receipt to Apphud, so you don't need to call submitReceipt method.
rawPaywalls() Future<ApphudPaywalls?>
A list of paywalls, potentially altered based on the user's involvement in A/B testing, if any.
rawPlacements() Future<List<ApphudPlacement>>
A list of paywall placements, potentially altered based on the user's involvement in A/B testing, if any. A placement is a specific location within a user's journey (such as onboarding, settings, etc.) where its internal paywall is intended to be displayed.
refreshUserData() Future<void>
Android only. Refreshes current user data, which includes:
restorePurchases() Future<ApphudComposite>
Implements Restore Purchases mechanism. Basically it just sends current App Store Receipt (iOS) or Google Play Purchase Tokens (Android) to Apphud and returns subscriptions info.
setAdvertisingIdentifier(String idfa) Future<void>
iOS only. Submit Advertising Identifier (IDFA) to Apphud.
setListener({ApphudListener? listener}) Future<void>
Set listener
setUserProperty({required ApphudUserPropertyKey key, dynamic value, bool setOnce = false}) Future<void>
Set custom user property. Value must be one of: int, float, bool, String, null. Example:
start({required String apiKey, String? userID, bool? observerMode}) Future<ApphudUser>
Initializes Apphud SDK. You should call it during app launch.
startManually({required String apiKey, String? userID, String? deviceID, bool? observerMode}) Future<ApphudUser>
Initializes Apphud SDK with User ID & Device ID pair. Not recommended for use unless you know what you are doing.
subscription() Future<ApphudSubscriptionWrapper?>
Returns ApphudSubscriptionWrapper subscription object that current user has ever purchased. Subscriptions are cached on device.
subscriptions() Future<List<ApphudSubscriptionWrapper>>
Returns an array of all subscriptions that this user has ever purchased. Subscriptions are cached on device.
syncPurchasesInObserverMode() Future<void>
Android only. This method will send purchases to the Apphud server.
updateUserID(String userID) Future<void>
Updates user ID value.
userID() Future<String>
Returns current user ID.