appflowy_editor_plugins library


allCodeBlockLanguages List<String>
codeBlockCharacterEvents List<CharacterShortcutEvent>
convertUrlToLinkPreviewBlockCommand → CommandShortcutEvent
try to convert the pasted url to a link preview block, only works if the selected block is a paragraph block and the url is valid
defaultCodeBlockSupportedLanguages List<String>
enterInCodeBlock → CharacterShortcutEvent
Press the enter key in code block to insert a new line in it.
ignoreKeysInCodeBlock List<CharacterShortcutEvent>
Ignore ' ', '/', '_', '*' in code block.
linkPreviewCustomPasteCommand → CommandShortcutEvent
Try to convert pasted content into link preview, if it fails then we fallback to the standard pasteCommand.


codeBlockCommands({CodeBlockLocalizations localizations = const CodeBlockLocalizations()}) List<CommandShortcutEvent>
codeBlockItem(String name, [IconData icon =, List<String> keywords = const ['code', 'codeblock'], String? language]) → SelectionMenuItem
codeBlockNode({Delta? delta, String? language}) → Node
insertNewParagraphNextToCodeBlockCommand(String description) → CommandShortcutEvent
Shift+enter to insert a new node next to the code block.
linkPreviewNode({required String url}) → Node
pasteInCodeblock(String description) → CommandShortcutEvent
ctrl + v to paste text in code block.
selectAllInCodeBlockCommand(String description) → CommandShortcutEvent
CTRL+A to select all content inside a Code Block, if cursor is inside one.
tabSpacesAtCurosrInCodeBlockCommand(String description) → CommandShortcutEvent
Tab to insert two spaces at the cursor if selection is collapsed.
tabToDeleteSpacesInCodeBlockCommand(String description) → CommandShortcutEvent
Shift+tab to delete two spaces at the line start in code block if needed.
tabToInsertSpacesInCodeBlockCommand(String description) → CommandShortcutEvent
Tab to insert two spaces at the line start in code block, if there is more than one line selected.
videoBlockItem(String name, [IconData icon = Icons.video_file, List<String> keywords = const ['video', 'videoblock', 'player'], String? src]) → SelectionMenuItem
videoBlockNode({String? src, double? width}) → Node


CodeBlockCopyBuilder = Widget Function(EditorState, Node)
Used to provide a custom copy button for the CodeBlockComponentWidget.
CodeBlockLanguagePickerBuilder = Widget Function(EditorState editorState, List<String> supportedLanguages, void onLanguageSelected(String language), {VoidCallback? onMenuClose, VoidCallback? onMenuOpen, String? selectedLanguage})
Used to provide a custom Language picker widget for the CodeBlockComponentWidget.
LinkPreviewBlockPreviewBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Node node, String url, String? title, String? description, String? imageUrl)
LinPreviewBlockComponentMenuBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Node node, LinkPreviewBlockComponentState state)
VideoBlockComponentMenuBuilder = Widget Function(Node node, VideoBlockComponentState state)
VideoBlockWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(Node)
VoidVideoCallback = void Function(BuildContext, Node, EditorState)