app_runner library


AppBuilder<T extends Object?>
AppBuilder main widget to use in WidgetConfiguration.
Runner Configuration
Widget configuration, takes in itself:
Zone configuration, takes in itself:


ReloadableX on BuildContext
Extension for ReloadableWidget on BuildContext.


appRunner(RunnerConfiguration config) → void
Starts the zone and attaches the app to the screen.
reloadWidget(BuildContext context) → void
Reloads widgets when reloadWidget is called. Reloads occurs by changing UniqueKey.


ErrorRenderObjectBuilder = RenderObject Function(BuildContext context, FlutterErrorDetails errorDetails)
Custom Builder for error handling in debug and profile mode
InitializeBinding = WidgetsBinding Function()
Callback to use your WidgetsBinding instance
InitializeFunctions<T> = FutureOr<T> Function(WidgetsBinding binding)
A callback to initialize your code. Responsible for initializing custom methods, such as Firebase, Sentry, etc.
OnError = void Function(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace)
The onError function is used both to handle asynchronous errors by overriding ZoneSpecification.handleUncaughtError in zoneSpecification, if any, and to handle errors thrown synchronously by the call to body.
RenderObjectBuilder = RenderObject Function(BuildContext context)
Custom Builder for error handling in release mode