AppCenter Plugin for flutter


This is updated plugin currently bundles appcenter analytics, crashes and distribute.

original pub

Getting Started

To get started, go to AppCenter and register your apps.

For detailed AppCenter API reference, go to


Basic usage

import 'package:flutter_appcenter_bundle/flutter_appcenter_bundle.dart';

await AppCenter.startAsync(
    appSecretAndroid: '******',
    appSecretIOS: '******',
    enableAnalytics: true, // Defaults to true
    enableCrashes: true, // Defaults to true
    enableDistribute: true, // Defaults to false
    usePrivateDistributeTrack: false, // Defaults to false
    disableAutomaticCheckForUpdate: false, // Defaults to false
AppCenter.trackEventAsync('my event', <String, String> {
  'prop1': 'prop1',
  'prop2': 'prop2',

Turn feature on / off at runtime

await AppCenter.configureAnalyticsAsync(enabled: true);

await AppCenter.configureCrashesAsync(enabled: true);

await AppCenter.configureDistributeAsync(enabled: true);

await AppCenter.configureDistributeDebugAsync(enabled: true); // Android Only

await AppCenter.checkForUpdateAsync(); // Manually check for update