api_bloc library

A Flutter library for managing API calls using the BLoC pattern. This library provides a set of classes and utilities to simplify API calls and manage state changes.


ApiBloc<T extends BlocStates<Object?>>
Main widget on dealing BlocStates changes in controller.
BlocController<T extends BlocStates<Object?>>
Ancestor class of controller used in this package.
BlocStates<T extends Object?>
Ancestor class of every state used in ApiBloc.
An extended abstract class of BlocController specifically made for fetching api request.
GetErrorState<T extends Object?>
Represents the error state when an error occurs during data fetching in GetController.
GetLoadingState<T extends Object?>
Represents the loading state when data is being fetched in GetController.
GetStates<T extends Object?>
The base state class used in GetController.
GetSuccessState<T extends Object>
Represents the success state when data fetching is successful in GetController.
An extended abstract class of BlocController specifically made for submitting api request.
SendErrorState<T extends Object?>
Represents the error state when an error occurs during request submission in SendController.
SendFailedState<T extends Object>
Represents the failed state when a request submission fails in SendController.
SendIdleState<T extends Object?>
Represents the idle state when no request is in progress in SendController.
SendLoadingState<T extends Object?>
Represents the loading state when a request is in progress in SendController.
SendStates<T extends Object?>
The base state class used in SendController.
SendSuccessState<T extends Object>
Represents the success state when a request is successfully submitted in SendController.


On fetching request, there is usually consist of three states.
The different types of states that can be represented in SendController.


BlocBuilder<T extends BlocStates<Object?>> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T state, Widget child)
Signature for a function that builds a widget tree based on the current BlocStates.
BlocListener<T extends BlocStates<Object?>> = void Function(BuildContext context, T state)
Signature for a function that listens to changes in the BlocStates.
OnBlocBuilder<S extends Object?> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, BlocStates<S> state, Widget child)
Signature for a function that builds a widget tree based on the current BlocStates.
OnBlocListener<S extends Object?> = void Function(BuildContext context, BlocStates<S> state)
Signature for a function that listens to changes in the BlocStates.