apex_converter library


JsonToMapResponseConverter converts the received body bytes from RestRowResponse.bodyBytes to Map representation of JSON result.class, it uses the JsonCodec from dart.convert library to decode the json result.
MapToJsonRequestConverter, which converts the body Map provided by RestRequest.body to JSON String, it uses the JsonCodec from dart.convert library to encode the provided RestRequest.body to JSON string.
This class is a base request converter definition, derive from this class and implement the toRow method, which responsibility is to convert the RestRequest to RestRowResponse. The library ships with pre defined request converters such as MapToJsonRequestConverter, which converts the body Map provided by RestRequest.body to JSON String.
This class is a base response converter definition, derive from this class and implement the fromRow method, which responsibility is to convert the RestRowResponse to RestResponse. The library ships with pre defined response converters such as JsonToMapResponseConverter, which converts the received body bytes from RestRowResponse.bodyBytes to Map representation of JSON result.
This response converter converts the response RestRowResponse.bodyBytes to utf8 encoded string.