AnimatedToggleSwitch<T extends Object?> class

A class with constructors for different switches. The constructors have sensible default values for their parameters, but can also be customized.

If you want to implement a completely custom switch, you should use CustomAnimatedToggleSwitch, which is used by AnimatedToggleSwitch in the background.



AnimatedToggleSwitch.custom({Key? key, required T current, required List<T> values, AnimatedIconBuilder<T>? animatedIconBuilder, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Curve animationCurve = Curves.easeInOutCirc, Size indicatorSize = const Size(48.0, double.infinity), ChangeCallback<T>? onChanged, double borderWidth = 2.0, ToggleStyle style = const ToggleStyle(), StyleBuilder<T>? styleBuilder, CustomStyleBuilder<T>? customStyleBuilder, List<ToggleStyle>? styleList, Curve iconAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutBack, Duration? iconAnimationDuration, double iconOpacity = 0.5, double spacing = 0.0, CustomIndicatorBuilder<T>? foregroundIndicatorIconBuilder, double selectedIconOpacity = 1.0, double height = 50.0, AnimationType iconAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType styleAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType indicatorAnimationType = AnimationType.onHover, TapCallback<T>? onTap, FittingMode fittingMode = FittingMode.preventHorizontalOverlapping, double minTouchTargetSize = 48.0, TextDirection? textDirection, bool iconsTappable = true, ToggleCursors cursors = const ToggleCursors(), LoadingIconBuilder<T> loadingIconBuilder = _defaultLoadingIconBuilder, bool? loading, Duration? loadingAnimationDuration, Curve? loadingAnimationCurve, bool allowUnlistedValues = false, IndicatorAppearingBuilder indicatorAppearingBuilder = _defaultIndicatorAppearingBuilder, Duration indicatorAppearingDuration = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationDuration, Curve indicatorAppearingCurve = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationCurve, SeparatorBuilder? separatorBuilder, CustomSeparatorBuilder<T>? customSeparatorBuilder, bool active = true, double inactiveOpacity = 0.6, Curve inactiveOpacityCurve = Curves.easeInOut, Duration inactiveOpacityDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 350), PositionListener<T>? positionListener})
Constructor of AnimatedToggleSwitch with all possible settings.
AnimatedToggleSwitch.customByHeight({Key? key, double height = 50.0, required T current, required List<T> values, AnimatedIconBuilder<T>? animatedIconBuilder, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Curve animationCurve = Curves.easeInOutCirc, Size indicatorSize = const Size(1.0, 1.0), ChangeCallback<T>? onChanged, double borderWidth = 2.0, ToggleStyle style = const ToggleStyle(), StyleBuilder<T>? styleBuilder, CustomStyleBuilder<T>? customStyleBuilder, List<ToggleStyle>? styleList, Curve iconAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutBack, Duration? iconAnimationDuration, double iconOpacity = 0.5, double spacing = 0.0, CustomIndicatorBuilder<T>? foregroundIndicatorIconBuilder, double selectedIconOpacity = 1.0, AnimationType iconAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType styleAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType indicatorAnimationType = AnimationType.onHover, TapCallback<T>? onTap, FittingMode fittingMode = FittingMode.preventHorizontalOverlapping, double minTouchTargetSize = 48.0, TextDirection? textDirection, bool iconsTappable = true, ToggleCursors cursors = const ToggleCursors(), LoadingIconBuilder<T> loadingIconBuilder = _defaultLoadingIconBuilder, bool? loading, Duration? loadingAnimationDuration, Curve? loadingAnimationCurve, bool allowUnlistedValues = false, IndicatorAppearingBuilder indicatorAppearingBuilder = _defaultIndicatorAppearingBuilder, Duration indicatorAppearingDuration = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationDuration, Curve indicatorAppearingCurve = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationCurve, SeparatorBuilder? separatorBuilder, CustomSeparatorBuilder<T>? customSeparatorBuilder, bool active = true, double inactiveOpacity = 0.6, Curve inactiveOpacityCurve = Curves.easeInOut, Duration inactiveOpacityDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 350), PositionListener<T>? positionListener})
Special version of AnimatedToggleSwitch.custom.
AnimatedToggleSwitch.dual({Key? key, required T current, required T first, required T second, SimpleIconBuilder<T>? iconBuilder, IconBuilder<T>? customIconBuilder, SimpleIconBuilder<T>? textBuilder, AnimatedIconBuilder<T>? customTextBuilder, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Curve animationCurve = Curves.easeInOutCirc, Size indicatorSize = const Size.fromWidth(46.0), ChangeCallback<T>? onChanged, double borderWidth = 2.0, ToggleStyle style = const ToggleStyle(), StyleBuilder<T>? styleBuilder, CustomStyleBuilder<T>? customStyleBuilder, List<ToggleStyle>? styleList, double spacing = 40.0, double height = 50.0, Duration? iconAnimationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Curve iconAnimationCurve = Curves.easeInOut, AnimationType styleAnimationType = AnimationType.onHover, AnimationType indicatorAnimationType = AnimationType.onHover, FittingMode fittingMode = FittingMode.preventHorizontalOverlapping, TapCallback<T>? onTap, double minTouchTargetSize = 48.0, TextDirection? textDirection, ToggleCursors cursors = const ToggleCursors(defaultCursor:, EdgeInsetsGeometry textMargin = const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0), Offset animationOffset = const Offset(20.0, 0), bool clipAnimation = true, bool opacityAnimation = true, LoadingIconBuilder<T> loadingIconBuilder = _defaultLoadingIconBuilder, bool? loading, Duration? loadingAnimationDuration, Curve? loadingAnimationCurve, ForegroundIndicatorTransition indicatorTransition = const ForegroundIndicatorTransition.rolling(), bool active = true, double inactiveOpacity = 0.6, Curve inactiveOpacityCurve = Curves.easeInOut, Duration inactiveOpacityDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 350), PositionListener<T>? positionListener})
Defining an rolling animation using the foregroundIndicatorIconBuilder of AnimatedToggleSwitch.
AnimatedToggleSwitch.rolling({Key? key, required T current, required List<T> values, SimpleRollingIconBuilder<T>? iconBuilder, RollingIconBuilder<T>? customIconBuilder, List<Widget>? iconList, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Curve animationCurve = Curves.easeInOutCirc, Size indicatorSize = const Size.fromWidth(46.0), ChangeCallback<T>? onChanged, double borderWidth = 2.0, ToggleStyle style = const ToggleStyle(), StyleBuilder<T>? styleBuilder, CustomStyleBuilder<T>? customStyleBuilder, List<ToggleStyle>? styleList, double iconOpacity = 0.5, double spacing = 0.0, double height = 50.0, AnimationType styleAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType indicatorAnimationType = AnimationType.onHover, TapCallback<T>? onTap, FittingMode fittingMode = FittingMode.preventHorizontalOverlapping, double minTouchTargetSize = 48.0, TextDirection? textDirection, bool iconsTappable = true, ToggleCursors cursors = const ToggleCursors(), LoadingIconBuilder<T> loadingIconBuilder = _defaultLoadingIconBuilder, bool? loading, Duration? loadingAnimationDuration, Curve? loadingAnimationCurve, ForegroundIndicatorTransition indicatorTransition = const ForegroundIndicatorTransition.rolling(), bool allowUnlistedValues = false, IndicatorAppearingBuilder indicatorAppearingBuilder = _defaultIndicatorAppearingBuilder, Duration indicatorAppearingDuration = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationDuration, Curve indicatorAppearingCurve = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationCurve, SeparatorBuilder? separatorBuilder, CustomSeparatorBuilder<T>? customSeparatorBuilder, bool active = true, double inactiveOpacity = 0.6, Curve inactiveOpacityCurve = Curves.easeInOut, Duration inactiveOpacityDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 350), PositionListener<T>? positionListener, double indicatorIconScale = 1.0})
This constructor defines a rolling animation using the foregroundIndicatorIconBuilder of AnimatedToggleSwitch.
AnimatedToggleSwitch.rollingByHeight({Key? key, double height = 50.0, required T current, required List<T> values, SimpleRollingIconBuilder<T>? iconBuilder, RollingIconBuilder<T>? customIconBuilder, List<Widget>? iconList, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Curve animationCurve = Curves.easeInOutCirc, Size indicatorSize = const Size.square(1.0), ChangeCallback<T>? onChanged, double borderWidth = 2.0, ToggleStyle style = const ToggleStyle(), StyleBuilder<T>? styleBuilder, CustomStyleBuilder<T>? customStyleBuilder, List<ToggleStyle>? styleList, double iconOpacity = 0.5, double spacing = 0.0, AnimationType styleAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType indicatorAnimationType = AnimationType.onHover, TapCallback<T>? onTap, FittingMode fittingMode = FittingMode.preventHorizontalOverlapping, double minTouchTargetSize = 48.0, TextDirection? textDirection, bool iconsTappable = true, ToggleCursors cursors = const ToggleCursors(), LoadingIconBuilder<T> loadingIconBuilder = _defaultLoadingIconBuilder, bool? loading, Duration? loadingAnimationDuration, Curve? loadingAnimationCurve, ForegroundIndicatorTransition indicatorTransition = const ForegroundIndicatorTransition.rolling(), bool allowUnlistedValues = false, IndicatorAppearingBuilder indicatorAppearingBuilder = _defaultIndicatorAppearingBuilder, Duration indicatorAppearingDuration = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationDuration, Curve indicatorAppearingCurve = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationCurve, SeparatorBuilder? separatorBuilder, CustomSeparatorBuilder<T>? customSeparatorBuilder, bool active = true, double inactiveOpacity = 0.6, Curve inactiveOpacityCurve = Curves.easeInOut, Duration inactiveOpacityDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 350), PositionListener<T>? positionListener, double indicatorIconScale = 1.0})
Special version of AnimatedToggleSwitch.rolling.
AnimatedToggleSwitch.size({Key? key, required T current, required List<T> values, SimpleIconBuilder<T>? iconBuilder, AnimatedIconBuilder<T>? customIconBuilder, List<Widget>? iconList, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Curve animationCurve = Curves.easeInOutCirc, Size indicatorSize = const Size.fromWidth(48.0), ChangeCallback<T>? onChanged, double borderWidth = 2.0, ToggleStyle style = const ToggleStyle(), StyleBuilder<T>? styleBuilder, CustomStyleBuilder<T>? customStyleBuilder, List<ToggleStyle>? styleList, double selectedIconScale = sqrt2, Curve iconAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutBack, Duration? iconAnimationDuration, double iconOpacity = 0.5, double selectedIconOpacity = 1.0, double spacing = 0.0, CustomIndicatorBuilder<T>? foregroundIndicatorIconBuilder, double height = 50.0, AnimationType iconAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType styleAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType indicatorAnimationType = AnimationType.onHover, TapCallback<T>? onTap, FittingMode fittingMode = FittingMode.preventHorizontalOverlapping, double minTouchTargetSize = 48.0, TextDirection? textDirection, bool iconsTappable = true, ToggleCursors cursors = const ToggleCursors(), LoadingIconBuilder<T> loadingIconBuilder = _defaultLoadingIconBuilder, bool? loading, Duration? loadingAnimationDuration, Curve? loadingAnimationCurve, bool allowUnlistedValues = false, IndicatorAppearingBuilder indicatorAppearingBuilder = _defaultIndicatorAppearingBuilder, Duration indicatorAppearingDuration = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationDuration, Curve indicatorAppearingCurve = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationCurve, SeparatorBuilder? separatorBuilder, CustomSeparatorBuilder<T>? customSeparatorBuilder, bool active = true, double inactiveOpacity = 0.6, Curve inactiveOpacityCurve = Curves.easeInOut, Duration inactiveOpacityDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 350), PositionListener<T>? positionListener})
Provides an AnimatedToggleSwitch with the standard size animation of the icons.
AnimatedToggleSwitch.sizeByHeight({Key? key, double height = 50.0, required T current, required List<T> values, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Curve animationCurve = Curves.easeInOutCirc, Size indicatorSize = const Size.square(1.0), SimpleIconBuilder<T>? iconBuilder, AnimatedIconBuilder<T>? customIconBuilder, List<Widget>? iconList, ChangeCallback<T>? onChanged, double borderWidth = 2.0, ToggleStyle style = const ToggleStyle(), StyleBuilder<T>? styleBuilder, CustomStyleBuilder<T>? customStyleBuilder, List<ToggleStyle>? styleList, double selectedIconScale = sqrt2, Curve iconAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutBack, Duration? iconAnimationDuration, double iconOpacity = 0.5, double spacing = 0.0, CustomIndicatorBuilder<T>? foregroundIndicatorIconBuilder, double selectedIconOpacity = 1.0, AnimationType iconAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType styleAnimationType = AnimationType.onSelected, AnimationType indicatorAnimationType = AnimationType.onHover, TapCallback<T>? onTap, FittingMode fittingMode = FittingMode.preventHorizontalOverlapping, double minTouchTargetSize = 48.0, TextDirection? textDirection, bool iconsTappable = true, ToggleCursors cursors = const ToggleCursors(), LoadingIconBuilder<T> loadingIconBuilder = _defaultLoadingIconBuilder, bool? loading, Duration? loadingAnimationDuration, Curve? loadingAnimationCurve, bool allowUnlistedValues = false, IndicatorAppearingBuilder indicatorAppearingBuilder = _defaultIndicatorAppearingBuilder, Duration indicatorAppearingDuration = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationDuration, Curve indicatorAppearingCurve = _defaultIndicatorAppearingAnimationCurve, SeparatorBuilder? separatorBuilder, CustomSeparatorBuilder<T>? customSeparatorBuilder, bool active = true, double inactiveOpacity = 0.6, Curve inactiveOpacityCurve = Curves.easeInOut, Duration inactiveOpacityDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 350), PositionListener<T>? positionListener})
Special version of AnimatedToggleSwitch.size.


active bool
Indicates if the switch is active.
allowUnlistedValues bool
Indicates that no error should be thrown if current is not contained in values.
animatedIconBuilder AnimatedIconBuilder<T>?
The IconBuilder for all icons with the specified size.
animateStyleChanges bool
animationCurve Curve
Curve of the motion animation.
animationDuration Duration
Duration of the motion animation.
borderWidth double
Width of the border of the switch. For deactivating please set this to 0.0.
current → T
The currently selected value. It has to be set at onChanged or whenever for animating to this value.
cursors ToggleCursors
The MouseCursor settings for this switch.
customSeparatorBuilder CustomSeparatorBuilder<T>?
Builder for divider or other separators between the icons. Consider using separatorBuilder for a simpler builder function.
customStyleBuilder CustomStyleBuilder<T>?
Custom builder for the style of the indicator.
fittingMode FittingMode
The FittingMode of the switch.
foregroundIndicatorIconBuilder CustomIndicatorBuilder<T>?
If null, the indicator is behind the icons. Otherwise an icon is in the indicator and is built using this function.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double
Total height of the widget.
iconAnimationCurve Curve
iconAnimationCurve defines the Duration of the Animation built in animatedIconBuilder. In some constructors this is the Curve of the size animation.
iconAnimationDuration Duration?
If null, animationDuration is taken.
iconAnimationType AnimationType
The AnimationType for the animatedIconBuilder.
iconOpacity double
Opacity for the icons.
iconsTappable bool
Indicates if onChanged is called when an icon is tapped. If false the user can change the value only by dragging the indicator.
inactiveOpacity double
Opacity of the switch when active is set to false.
inactiveOpacityCurve Curve
Curve of the animation when getting inactive.
inactiveOpacityDuration Duration
Duration of the animation when getting inactive.
indicatorAnimationType AnimationType
The AnimationType for ToggleStyle.indicatorColor, ToggleStyle.indicatorGradient, ToggleStyle.indicatorBorderRadius, ToggleStyle.indicatorBorder and ToggleStyle.indicatorBoxShadow
indicatorAppearingBuilder IndicatorAppearingBuilder
Custom builder for the appearing animation of the indicator.
indicatorAppearingCurve Curve
Curve of the appearing animation.
indicatorAppearingDuration Duration
Duration of the appearing animation.
indicatorSize Size
Size of the indicator.
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
loading bool?
Indicates if the switch is currently loading.
loadingAnimationCurve Curve?
Curve of the loading animation.
loadingAnimationDuration Duration?
Duration of the loading animation.
loadingIconBuilder LoadingIconBuilder<T>
A builder for the loading icon.
minTouchTargetSize double
The minimum size of the indicator's hitbox.
onChanged ChangeCallback<T>?
Callback for selecting a new value. The new current should be set here.
onTap TapCallback<T>?
Callback for tapping anywhere on the widget.
positionListener PositionListener<T>?
Listener for the current position and ToggleMode of the indicator.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectedIconOpacity double
Opacity for the currently selected icon.
separatorBuilder SeparatorBuilder?
Builder for divider or other separators between the icons. Consider using customSeparatorBuilder for maximum customizability.
spacing double
Space between adjacent icons.
style ToggleStyle
The default style of this switch.
styleAnimationType AnimationType
The AnimationType for styleBuilder.
styleBuilder StyleBuilder<T>?
Builder for the style of the indicator depending on the current value.
styleList List<ToggleStyle>?
List of the styles for all values.
textDirection TextDirection?
The direction in which the icons are arranged.
values List<T>
All possible values.


build(BuildContext context) Widget
Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
createElement() StatelessElement
Creates a StatelessElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.