animated_rail/interpolate library


config for interpolate function Extrapolate clamp ,identity or extend from left or right inputRange is the list from which the current value is interpolated outputRange is the list from which the output value is selected and returned




checkMinElements(String name, List<double> arr) → void
checkNonDecreasing(String name, List<double> arr) → void
interpolate(double value, InterpolateConfig config) double
interpolate two arrays based on value can be used as a animation helper
interpolateInternal(double value, List<double> inputRange, List<double> outputRange, {int offset = 0}) double
interpolateInternalSingle(double value, List<double> inputRange, List<double> outputRange, int offset) double
interpolateInternalSingleProc(double value, double inS, double inE, double outS, double outE) double
invariant(bool cond, List<String> str) → void