main_class/src/chart/bar_chart/bar_chart_data library
- BackgroundBarChartRodData
- Holds values to draw a rod in rear of the main rod.
- BarChartData
- BarChartWidget needs this class to render itself.
- BarChartDataTween
- It lerps a BarChartData to another BarChartData (handles animation for updating values)
- BarChartGroupData
- Represents a group of rods (or bars) inside the BarChartWidget.
- BarChartRodData
- Holds data about rendering each rod (or bar) in the BarChartWidget.
- BarChartRodStackItem
- A colored section of Stacked Chart rod item
- BarTooltipItem
- Holds data needed for showing custom tooltip content.
- BarTouchData
- Holds data to handle touch events, and touch responses in the BarChartWidget.
- BarTouchedSpot
- It gives you information about the touched spot.
- BarTouchResponse
- Holds information about touch response in the BarChartWidget.
- BarTouchTooltipData
- Holds representation data for showing tooltip popup on top of rods.
- BarChartAlignment
defines arrangement of
, check MainAxisAlignment for more details. - TooltipDirection
- Controls showing tooltip on top or bottom.
BarChartGroupData group, int groupIndex, BarChartRodData rod, int rodIndex) → BarTooltipItem? - Default implementation for BarTouchTooltipData.getTooltipItem.
- GetBarTooltipItem = BarTooltipItem? Function(BarChartGroupData group, int groupIndex, BarChartRodData rod, int rodIndex)
- Provides a BarTooltipItem for showing content inside the BarTouchTooltipData.