Flutter Animated Analog Clock
A customizable and animated analog clock widget. This package provides a fully customizable analog clock widget that supports animation for smooth transitions of clock hands. Users can customize various aspects of the clock including size, colors, background, and more.
New in Version 0.2.0
Image Dial (New Feature)
You can now use an Image Dial as the clock's face, allowing you to set a background image. This can be a network image or an asset image, making your analog clock even more visually appealing and customizable.
backgroundImage: NetworkImage(
Or with an asset image:
backgroundImage: AssetImage(
Dial Options
Image (New in Version 0.2.0)


Numbers and Dashes

Roman Numerals


No Dial

In your pubspec.yaml
file of your Flutter Project, add the following dependency:
animated_analog_clock: ^0.2.1
import 'package:animated_analog_clock/animated_analog_clock.dart';
Customizable Design: Users can customize various aspects of the analog clock, including size, colors, background, and more, to match their app's design aesthetics.
Smooth Animations: The analog clock widget supports smooth animations for clock hands, providing a visually pleasing experience for users.
Timezone Support: The clock widget supports displaying time in different timezones, allowing users to customize the clock based on their location or preferences.
Timezone Support with Location Specification: Users can specify a location name, and the clock will display the time according to the timezone associated with that location. To find valid location names for timezones, check out the this documentation.
Lightweight and Efficient: The package is designed to be lightweight and efficient, ensuring smooth performance even on devices with limited resources.
DialType Enum: Introduced the
enum to support different dial options: dashes, numbers, numberAndDashes, and none.
Basic Usage
const AnimatedAnalogClock()
Customization Options
location: 'Australia/Darwin',
// Gradient Background if you want
// backgroundGradient: RadialGradient(colors: []),
// Set a network image as the background
// backgroundImage: NetworkImage(
// 'url',
// ),
// Alternatively, set an asset image as the background
// backgroundImage: AssetImage(
// 'path/to/your/asset/image.png',
// ),
backgroundColor: Color(0xff1E1E26),
hourHandColor: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
minuteHandColor: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
secondHandColor: Colors.amber,
centerDotColor: Colors.amber,
hourDashColor: Colors.lightBlue,
minuteDashColor: Colors.blueAccent,
API Documentation
For detailed information about the classes and methods available in this package, refer to the API documentation
More examples can be found in the example/
This package is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for details.
For questions, feedback, or suggestions regarding this package, please feel free to contact the author at devhasanzaman@gmail.com.