angel3_graphql library


A GraphQLScalarType that is used to read uploaded files from multipart/form-data requests.


graphQlContentType ContentType
graphQlPostBody → Validator
graphQLUpload GraphQLUploadType
The canonical GraphQLUploadType instance.


graphiQL({String graphQLEndpoint = '/graphql', String? subscriptionsEndpoint}) → RequestHandler
Returns a simple RequestHandler that renders the GraphiQL visual interface for GraphQL.
graphQLHttp(GraphQL graphQL, {dynamic onSubscription(RequestContext, ResponseContext, Stream<Map<String, dynamic>>)?}) → RequestHandler
A RequestHandler that serves a spec-compliant GraphQL backend.
graphQLWS(GraphQL graphQL, {Duration? keepAliveInterval}) → RequestHandler
A RequestHandler that serves a spec-compliant GraphQL backend, over WebSockets. This endpoint only supports WebSockets, and can be used to deliver subscription events.
renderGraphiql({String graphqlEndpoint = '/graphql', String? subscriptionsEndpoint}) String
resolveViaServiceCreate<Value, Serialized>(Service<dynamic, Value?> service) → GraphQLFieldResolver<Value?, Serialized>
A GraphQL resolver that creates a single value in an Angel service.
resolveViaServiceFindOne<Value, Serialized>(Service<dynamic, Value> service) → GraphQLFieldResolver<Value, Serialized>
A GraphQL resolver that calls findOne on an Angel service.
resolveViaServiceIndex<Value, Serialized>(Service<dynamic, Value> service) → GraphQLFieldResolver<List<Value>, Serialized>
A GraphQL resolver that indexes an Angel service.
resolveViaServiceModify<Value, Serialized>(Service<dynamic, Value?> service, {String idField = 'id'}) → GraphQLFieldResolver<Value?, Serialized>
A GraphQL resolver that modifies a single value from an Angel service.
resolveViaServiceRead<Value, Serialized>(Service<dynamic, Value> service, {String idField = 'id'}) → GraphQLFieldResolver<Value, Serialized>
A GraphQL resolver that reads a single value from an Angel service.
resolveViaServiceRemove<Value, Serialized>(Service<dynamic, Value> service, {String idField = 'id'}) → GraphQLFieldResolver<Value, Serialized>
A GraphQL resolver that removes a single value from an Angel service.
resolveViaServiceUpdate<Value, Serialized>(Service<dynamic, Value?> service, {String idField = 'id'}) → GraphQLFieldResolver<Value?, Serialized>
A GraphQL resolver that updates a single value from an Angel service.