classDeclaration abstract method

ClassDeclaration classDeclaration(
  1. Comment? comment,
  2. List<Annotation>? metadata,
  3. Token? abstractKeyword,
  4. Token? macroKeyword,
  5. Token? augmentKeyword,
  6. Token classKeyword,
  7. SimpleIdentifier name,
  8. TypeParameterList? typeParameters,
  9. ExtendsClause? extendsClause,
  10. WithClause? withClause,
  11. ImplementsClause? implementsClause,
  12. Token leftBracket,
  13. List<ClassMember> members,
  14. Token rightBracket,

Returns a newly created class declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the class does not have the corresponding attribute. The abstractKeyword can be null if the class is not abstract. The macroKeyword can be null if the class is not a macro class. The augmentKeyword can be null if the class is not an augmentation class. The typeParameters can be null if the class does not have any type parameters. Any or all of the extendsClause, withClause, and implementsClause can be null if the class does not have the corresponding clause. The list of members can be null if the class does not have any members.


ClassDeclaration classDeclaration(
    Comment? comment,
    List<Annotation>? metadata,
    Token? abstractKeyword,
    Token? macroKeyword,
    Token? augmentKeyword,
    Token classKeyword,
    SimpleIdentifier name,
    TypeParameterList? typeParameters,
    ExtendsClause? extendsClause,
    WithClause? withClause,
    ImplementsClause? implementsClause,
    Token leftBracket,
    List<ClassMember> members,
    Token rightBracket);