AstFactory class abstract

A collection of factory methods which may be used to create concrete instances of the interfaces that constitute the AST.

Clients should not extend, implement or mix-in this class.





hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


adjacentStrings(List<StringLiteral> strings) AdjacentStrings
Returns a newly created list of adjacent strings. To be syntactically valid, the list of strings must contain at least two elements.
annotation({required Token atSign, required Identifier name, TypeArgumentList? typeArguments, Token? period, SimpleIdentifier? constructorName, ArgumentList? arguments}) Annotation
Returns a newly created annotation. Both the period and the constructorName can be null if the annotation is not referencing a named constructor. The arguments can be null if the annotation is not referencing a constructor.
argumentList(Token leftParenthesis, List<Expression> arguments, Token rightParenthesis) ArgumentList
Returns a newly created list of arguments. The list of arguments can be null if there are no arguments.
asExpression(Expression expression, Token asOperator, TypeAnnotation type) AsExpression
Returns a newly created as expression.
assertInitializer(Token assertKeyword, Token leftParenthesis, Expression condition, Token? comma, Expression? message, Token rightParenthesis) AssertInitializer
Returns a newly created assert initializer. The comma and message can be null if there is no message.
assertStatement(Token assertKeyword, Token leftParenthesis, Expression condition, Token? comma, Expression? message, Token rightParenthesis, Token semicolon) AssertStatement
Returns a newly created assert statement. The comma and message can be null if there is no message.
assignmentExpression(Expression leftHandSide, Token operator, Expression rightHandSide) AssignmentExpression
Returns a newly created assignment expression.
awaitExpression(Token awaitKeyword, Expression expression) AwaitExpression
Returns a newly created await expression.
binaryExpression(Expression leftOperand, Token operator, Expression rightOperand) BinaryExpression
Returns a newly created binary expression.
block(Token leftBracket, List<Statement> statements, Token rightBracket) Block
Returns a newly created block of code.
blockComment(List<Token> tokens) Comment
Returns a block comment consisting of the given tokens.
blockFunctionBody(Token? keyword, Token? star, Block block) BlockFunctionBody
Returns a newly created function body consisting of a block of statements. The keyword can be null if there is no keyword specified for the block. The star can be null if there is no star following the keyword (and must be null if there is no keyword).
booleanLiteral(Token literal, bool value) BooleanLiteral
Returns a newly created boolean literal.
breakStatement(Token breakKeyword, SimpleIdentifier? label, Token semicolon) BreakStatement
Returns a newly created break statement. The label can be null if there is no label associated with the statement.
cascadeExpression(Expression target, List<Expression> cascadeSections) CascadeExpression
Returns a newly created cascade expression. The list of cascadeSections must contain at least one element.
catchClause(Token? onKeyword, TypeAnnotation? exceptionType, Token? catchKeyword, Token? leftParenthesis, SimpleIdentifier? exceptionParameter, Token? comma, SimpleIdentifier? stackTraceParameter, Token? rightParenthesis, Block body) CatchClause
Returns a newly created catch clause. The onKeyword and exceptionType can be null if the clause will catch all exceptions. The comma and stackTraceParameter can be null if the stack trace parameter is not defined.
classDeclaration(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? abstractKeyword, Token? macroKeyword, Token? augmentKeyword, Token classKeyword, SimpleIdentifier name, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, ExtendsClause? extendsClause, WithClause? withClause, ImplementsClause? implementsClause, Token leftBracket, List<ClassMember> members, Token rightBracket) ClassDeclaration
Returns a newly created class declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the class does not have the corresponding attribute. The abstractKeyword can be null if the class is not abstract. The macroKeyword can be null if the class is not a macro class. The augmentKeyword can be null if the class is not an augmentation class. The typeParameters can be null if the class does not have any type parameters. Any or all of the extendsClause, withClause, and implementsClause can be null if the class does not have the corresponding clause. The list of members can be null if the class does not have any members.
classTypeAlias(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token keyword, SimpleIdentifier name, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, Token equals, Token? abstractKeyword, Token? macroKeyword, Token? augmentKeyword, NamedType superclass, WithClause withClause, ImplementsClause? implementsClause, Token semicolon) ClassTypeAlias
Returns a newly created class type alias. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the class type alias does not have the corresponding attribute. The typeParameters can be null if the class does not have any type parameters. The abstractKeyword can be null if the class is not abstract. The macroKeyword can be null if the class is not a macro class. The augmentKeyword can be null if the class is not an augmentation class. The implementsClause can be null if the class does not implement any interfaces.
commentReference(Token? newKeyword, CommentReferableExpression expression) CommentReference
Returns a newly created reference to a Dart element. The newKeyword can be null if the reference is not to a constructor.
compilationUnit({required Token beginToken, ScriptTag? scriptTag, List<Directive>? directives, List<CompilationUnitMember>? declarations, required Token endToken, required FeatureSet featureSet, LineInfo? lineInfo}) CompilationUnit
Returns a newly created compilation unit to have the given directives and declarations. The scriptTag can be null (or omitted) if there is no script tag in the compilation unit. The list of declarations can be null (or omitted) if there are no directives in the compilation unit. The list of declarations can be null (or omitted) if there are no declarations in the compilation unit.
conditionalExpression(Expression condition, Token question, Expression thenExpression, Token colon, Expression elseExpression) ConditionalExpression
Returns a newly created conditional expression.
configuration(Token ifKeyword, Token leftParenthesis, DottedName name, Token? equalToken, StringLiteral? value, Token rightParenthesis, StringLiteral libraryUri) Configuration
Returns a newly created configuration.
constructorDeclaration(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? externalKeyword, Token? constKeyword, Token? factoryKeyword, Identifier returnType, Token? period, SimpleIdentifier? name, FormalParameterList parameters, Token? separator, List<ConstructorInitializer>? initializers, ConstructorName? redirectedConstructor, FunctionBody body) ConstructorDeclaration
Returns a newly created constructor declaration. The externalKeyword can be null if the constructor is not external. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the constructor does not have the corresponding attribute. The constKeyword can be null if the constructor cannot be used to create a constant. The factoryKeyword can be null if the constructor is not a factory. The period and name can both be null if the constructor is not a named constructor. The separator can be null if the constructor does not have any initializers and does not redirect to a different constructor. The list of initializers can be null if the constructor does not have any initializers. The redirectedConstructor can be null if the constructor does not redirect to a different constructor.
constructorFieldInitializer(Token? thisKeyword, Token? period, SimpleIdentifier fieldName, Token equals, Expression expression) ConstructorFieldInitializer
Returns a newly created field initializer to initialize the field with the given name to the value of the given expression. The thisKeyword and period can be null if the 'this' keyword was not specified.
constructorName(NamedType type, Token? period, SimpleIdentifier? name) ConstructorName
Returns a newly created constructor name. The period and name can be null if the constructor being named is the unnamed constructor.
constructorReference({required ConstructorName constructorName}) ConstructorReference
Returns a newly created constructor reference.
continueStatement(Token continueKeyword, SimpleIdentifier? label, Token semicolon) ContinueStatement
Returns a newly created continue statement. The label can be null if there is no label associated with the statement.
declaredIdentifier(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? keyword, TypeAnnotation? type, SimpleIdentifier identifier) DeclaredIdentifier
Returns a newly created formal parameter. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the declaration does not have the corresponding attribute. The keyword can be null if a type name is given. The type must be null if the keyword is 'var'.
defaultFormalParameter(NormalFormalParameter parameter, ParameterKind kind, Token? separator, Expression? defaultValue) DefaultFormalParameter
Returns a newly created default formal parameter. The separator and defaultValue can be null if there is no default value.
documentationComment(List<Token> tokens, [List<CommentReference> references]) Comment
Returns a documentation comment consisting of the given tokens and having the given references (if supplied) embedded within it.
doStatement(Token doKeyword, Statement body, Token whileKeyword, Token leftParenthesis, Expression condition, Token rightParenthesis, Token semicolon) DoStatement
Returns a newly created do loop.
dottedName(List<SimpleIdentifier> components) DottedName
Returns a newly created dotted name.
doubleLiteral(Token literal, double value) DoubleLiteral
Returns a newly created floating point literal.
emptyFunctionBody(Token semicolon) EmptyFunctionBody
Returns a newly created function body.
emptyStatement(Token semicolon) EmptyStatement
Returns a newly created empty statement.
endOfLineComment(List<Token> tokens) Comment
Returns an end-of-line comment consisting of the given tokens.
enumConstantDeclaration(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, SimpleIdentifier name) EnumConstantDeclaration
Returns a newly created enum constant declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the constant does not have the corresponding attribute. (Technically, enum constants cannot have metadata, but we allow it for consistency.)
enumDeclaration(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token enumKeyword, SimpleIdentifier name, Token leftBracket, List<EnumConstantDeclaration> constants, Token rightBracket) EnumDeclaration
Returns a newly created enumeration declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the declaration does not have the corresponding attribute. The list of constants must contain at least one value.
enumDeclaration2({required Comment? comment, required List<Annotation>? metadata, required Token enumKeyword, required SimpleIdentifier name, required TypeParameterList? typeParameters, required WithClause? withClause, required ImplementsClause? implementsClause, required Token leftBracket, required List<EnumConstantDeclaration> constants, required Token? semicolon, required List<ClassMember> members, required Token rightBracket}) EnumDeclaration
Returns a newly created enumeration declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the declaration does not have the corresponding attribute. The list of constants must contain at least one value.
exportDirective(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token keyword, StringLiteral libraryUri, List<Configuration>? configurations, List<Combinator>? combinators, Token semicolon) ExportDirective
Returns a newly created export directive. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the directive does not have the corresponding attribute. The list of combinators can be null if there are no combinators.
expressionFunctionBody(Token? keyword, Token functionDefinition, Expression expression, Token? semicolon) ExpressionFunctionBody
Returns a newly created function body consisting of an expression. The keyword can be null if the function body is not an async function body.
expressionFunctionBody2({Token? keyword, Token? star, required Token functionDefinition, required Expression expression, Token? semicolon}) ExpressionFunctionBody
Returns a newly created function body consisting of an expression. The keyword can be null if the function body is not an async function body. The star can be null if there is no star following the keyword (and must be null if there is no keyword).
expressionStatement(Expression expression, Token? semicolon) ExpressionStatement
Returns a newly created expression statement.
extendsClause(Token extendsKeyword, NamedType superclass) ExtendsClause
Returns a newly created extends clause.
extensionDeclaration({Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, required Token extensionKeyword, Token? typeKeyword, SimpleIdentifier? name, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, required Token onKeyword, required TypeAnnotation extendedType, required Token leftBracket, required List<ClassMember> members, required Token rightBracket}) ExtensionDeclaration
Return a newly created extension declaration. The list of typeParameters can be null if there are no type parameters.
extensionOverride({required Identifier extensionName, TypeArgumentList? typeArguments, required ArgumentList argumentList}) ExtensionOverride
Return a newly created extension override. The list of typeArguments can be null if there are no type arguments.
fieldDeclaration2({Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? abstractKeyword, Token? augmentKeyword, Token? covariantKeyword, Token? externalKeyword, Token? staticKeyword, required VariableDeclarationList fieldList, required Token semicolon}) FieldDeclaration
Returns a newly created field declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the declaration does not have the corresponding attribute. The abstractKeyword, augmentKeyword, covariantKeyword, externalKeyword and staticKeyword can be null if the field does not have the corresponding modifier.
fieldFormalParameter2({Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? covariantKeyword, Token? requiredKeyword, Token? keyword, TypeAnnotation? type, required Token thisKeyword, required Token period, required SimpleIdentifier identifier, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, FormalParameterList? parameters, Token? question}) FieldFormalParameter
Returns a newly created formal parameter. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the parameter does not have the corresponding attribute. The keyword can be null if there is a type. The type must be null if the keyword is 'var'. The thisKeyword and period can be null if the keyword 'this' was not provided. The parameters can be null if this is not a function-typed field formal parameter.
forEachPartsWithDeclaration({required DeclaredIdentifier loopVariable, required Token inKeyword, required Expression iterable}) ForEachPartsWithDeclaration
Returns a newly created for each part that includes a declaration.
forEachPartsWithIdentifier({required SimpleIdentifier identifier, required Token inKeyword, required Expression iterable}) ForEachPartsWithIdentifier
Returns a newly created for each part that includes an identifier that is declared outside of the loop.
forElement({Token? awaitKeyword, required Token forKeyword, required Token leftParenthesis, required ForLoopParts forLoopParts, required Token rightParenthesis, required CollectionElement body}) ForElement
Returns a newly created for element that can be part of a list, map or set literal.
formalParameterList(Token leftParenthesis, List<FormalParameter> parameters, Token? leftDelimiter, Token? rightDelimiter, Token rightParenthesis) FormalParameterList
Returns a newly created parameter list. The list of parameters can be null if there are no parameters. The leftDelimiter and rightDelimiter can be null if there are no optional parameters.
forPartsWithDeclarations({required VariableDeclarationList variables, required Token leftSeparator, Expression? condition, required Token rightSeparator, List<Expression>? updaters}) ForPartsWithDeclarations
Returns a newly created for part that includes a declaration.
forPartsWithExpression({Expression? initialization, required Token leftSeparator, Expression? condition, required Token rightSeparator, List<Expression>? updaters}) ForPartsWithExpression
Returns a newly created for part that includes an expression.
forStatement({Token? awaitKeyword, required Token forKeyword, required Token leftParenthesis, required ForLoopParts forLoopParts, required Token rightParenthesis, required Statement body}) ForStatement
Returns a newly created for statement.
functionDeclaration(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? augmentKeyword, Token? externalKeyword, TypeAnnotation? returnType, Token? propertyKeyword, SimpleIdentifier name, FunctionExpression functionExpression) FunctionDeclaration
Returns a newly created function declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the function does not have the corresponding attribute. The augmentKeyword can be null if the function is not a function augmentation. The externalKeyword can be null if the function is not an external function. The returnType can be null if no return type was specified. The propertyKeyword can be null if the function is neither a getter or a setter.
functionDeclarationStatement(FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration) FunctionDeclarationStatement
Returns a newly created function declaration statement.
functionExpression(TypeParameterList? typeParameters, FormalParameterList? parameters, FunctionBody body) FunctionExpression
Returns a newly created function declaration.
functionExpressionInvocation(Expression function, TypeArgumentList? typeArguments, ArgumentList argumentList) FunctionExpressionInvocation
Returns a newly created function expression invocation.
functionReference({required Expression function, TypeArgumentList? typeArguments}) FunctionReference
Returns a newly created function reference. The typeArguments can be null if there are no type arguments being applied to the function.
functionTypeAlias(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token keyword, TypeAnnotation? returnType, SimpleIdentifier name, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, FormalParameterList parameters, Token semicolon) FunctionTypeAlias
Returns a newly created function type alias. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the function does not have the corresponding attribute. The returnType can be null if no return type was specified. The typeParameters can be null if the function has no type parameters.
functionTypedFormalParameter2({Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? covariantKeyword, Token? requiredKeyword, TypeAnnotation? returnType, required SimpleIdentifier identifier, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, required FormalParameterList parameters, Token? question}) FunctionTypedFormalParameter
Returns a newly created formal parameter. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the parameter does not have the corresponding attribute. The returnType can be null if no return type was specified.
genericFunctionType(TypeAnnotation? returnType, Token functionKeyword, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, FormalParameterList parameters, {Token? question}) GenericFunctionType
Initialize a newly created generic function type.
genericTypeAlias(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token typedefKeyword, SimpleIdentifier name, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, Token equals, TypeAnnotation type, Token semicolon) GenericTypeAlias
Returns a newly created generic type alias. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the variable list does not have the corresponding attribute. The typeParameters can be null if there are no type parameters.
hideClause({required Token hideKeyword, required List<ShowHideClauseElement> elements}) HideClause
Returns a newly created hide clause.
hideCombinator(Token keyword, List<SimpleIdentifier> hiddenNames) HideCombinator
Returns a newly created import show combinator.
ifElement({required Token ifKeyword, required Token leftParenthesis, required Expression condition, required Token rightParenthesis, required CollectionElement thenElement, Token? elseKeyword, CollectionElement? elseElement}) IfElement
Returns a newly created if element that can be part of a list, map or set literal.
ifStatement(Token ifKeyword, Token leftParenthesis, Expression condition, Token rightParenthesis, Statement thenStatement, Token? elseKeyword, Statement? elseStatement) IfStatement
Returns a newly created if statement. The elseKeyword and elseStatement can be null if there is no else clause.
implementsClause(Token implementsKeyword, List<NamedType> interfaces) ImplementsClause
Returns a newly created implements clause.
implicitCallReference({required Expression expression, required MethodElement staticElement, required TypeArgumentList? typeArguments, required List<DartType> typeArgumentTypes}) ImplicitCallReference
Returns a newly created implicit call reference.
importDirective(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token keyword, StringLiteral libraryUri, List<Configuration>? configurations, Token? deferredKeyword, Token? asKeyword, SimpleIdentifier? prefix, List<Combinator>? combinators, Token semicolon) ImportDirective
Returns a newly created import directive. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the function does not have the corresponding attribute. The deferredKeyword can be null if the import is not deferred. The asKeyword and prefix can be null if the import does not specify a prefix. The list of combinators can be null if there are no combinators.
indexExpressionForCascade2({required Token period, Token? question, required Token leftBracket, required Expression index, required Token rightBracket}) IndexExpression
Returns a newly created index expression.
indexExpressionForTarget2({required Expression target, Token? question, required Token leftBracket, required Expression index, required Token rightBracket}) IndexExpression
Returns a newly created index expression.
instanceCreationExpression(Token? keyword, ConstructorName constructorName, ArgumentList argumentList, {TypeArgumentList? typeArguments}) InstanceCreationExpression
Returns a newly created instance creation expression.
integerLiteral(Token literal, int? value) IntegerLiteral
Returns a newly created integer literal.
interpolationExpression(Token leftBracket, Expression expression, Token? rightBracket) InterpolationExpression
Returns a newly created interpolation expression.
interpolationString(Token contents, String value) InterpolationString
Returns a newly created string of characters that are part of a string interpolation.
isExpression(Expression expression, Token isOperator, Token? notOperator, TypeAnnotation type) IsExpression
Returns a newly created is expression. The notOperator can be null if the sense of the test is not negated.
label(SimpleIdentifier label, Token colon) Label
Returns a newly created label.
labeledStatement(List<Label> labels, Statement statement) LabeledStatement
Returns a newly created labeled statement.
libraryDirective(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token libraryKeyword, LibraryIdentifier name, Token semicolon) LibraryDirective
Returns a newly created library directive. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the directive does not have the corresponding attribute.
libraryIdentifier(List<SimpleIdentifier> components) LibraryIdentifier
Returns a newly created prefixed identifier.
listLiteral(Token? constKeyword, TypeArgumentList? typeArguments, Token leftBracket, List<CollectionElement> elements, Token rightBracket) ListLiteral
Returns a newly created list literal. The constKeyword can be null if the literal is not a constant. The typeArguments can be null if no type arguments were declared. The list of elements can be null if the list is empty.
mapLiteralEntry(Expression key, Token separator, Expression value) MapLiteralEntry
Returns a newly created map literal entry.
methodDeclaration(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? externalKeyword, Token? modifierKeyword, TypeAnnotation? returnType, Token? propertyKeyword, Token? operatorKeyword, SimpleIdentifier name, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, FormalParameterList? parameters, FunctionBody body) MethodDeclaration
Returns a newly created method declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the declaration does not have the corresponding attribute. The externalKeyword can be null if the method is not external. The modifierKeyword can be null if the method is neither abstract nor static. The returnType can be null if no return type was specified. The propertyKeyword can be null if the method is neither a getter or a setter. The operatorKeyword can be null if the method does not implement an operator. The parameters must be null if this method declares a getter.
methodInvocation(Expression? target, Token? operator, SimpleIdentifier methodName, TypeArgumentList? typeArguments, ArgumentList argumentList) MethodInvocation
Returns a newly created method invocation. The target and operator can be null if there is no target.
mixinDeclaration(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? augmentKeyword, Token mixinKeyword, SimpleIdentifier name, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, OnClause? onClause, ImplementsClause? implementsClause, Token leftBracket, List<ClassMember> members, Token rightBracket) MixinDeclaration
Return a newly created mixin declaration.
namedExpression(Label name, Expression expression) NamedExpression
Returns a newly created named expression.
namedType({required Identifier name, TypeArgumentList? typeArguments, Token? question}) NamedType
Returns a newly created named type. The typeArguments can be null if there are no type arguments. The question can be null if there is no question mark.
nativeClause(Token nativeKeyword, StringLiteral? name) NativeClause
Returns a newly created native clause.
nativeFunctionBody(Token nativeKeyword, StringLiteral? stringLiteral, Token semicolon) NativeFunctionBody
Returns a newly created function body consisting of the 'native' token, a string literal, and a semicolon.
nodeList<E extends AstNode>(AstNode owner) NodeList<E>
Returns a newly created list of nodes such that all of the nodes that are added to the list will have their parent set to the given owner.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
nullLiteral(Token literal) NullLiteral
Returns a newly created null literal.
onClause(Token onKeyword, List<NamedType> superclassConstraints) OnClause
Return a newly created on clause.
parenthesizedExpression(Token leftParenthesis, Expression expression, Token rightParenthesis) ParenthesizedExpression
Returns a newly created parenthesized expression.
partDirective(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token partKeyword, StringLiteral partUri, Token semicolon) PartDirective
Returns a newly created part directive. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the directive does not have the corresponding attribute.
partOfDirective(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token partKeyword, Token ofKeyword, StringLiteral? uri, LibraryIdentifier? libraryName, Token semicolon) PartOfDirective
Returns a newly created part-of directive. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the directive does not have the corresponding attribute.
postfixExpression(Expression operand, Token operator) PostfixExpression
Returns a newly created postfix expression.
prefixedIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier prefix, Token period, SimpleIdentifier identifier) PrefixedIdentifier
Returns a newly created prefixed identifier.
prefixExpression(Token operator, Expression operand) PrefixExpression
Returns a newly created prefix expression.
propertyAccess(Expression? target, Token operator, SimpleIdentifier propertyName) PropertyAccess
Returns a newly created property access expression.
redirectingConstructorInvocation(Token thisKeyword, Token? period, SimpleIdentifier? constructorName, ArgumentList argumentList) RedirectingConstructorInvocation
Returns a newly created redirecting invocation to invoke the constructor with the given name with the given arguments. The constructorName can be null if the constructor being invoked is the unnamed constructor.
rethrowExpression(Token rethrowKeyword) RethrowExpression
Returns a newly created rethrow expression.
returnStatement(Token returnKeyword, Expression? expression, Token semicolon) ReturnStatement
Returns a newly created return statement. The expression can be null if no explicit value was provided.
scriptTag(Token scriptTag) ScriptTag
Returns a newly created script tag.
setOrMapLiteral({Token? constKeyword, TypeArgumentList? typeArguments, required Token leftBracket, required List<CollectionElement> elements, required Token rightBracket}) SetOrMapLiteral
Returns a newly created set or map literal. The constKeyword can be null if the literal is not a constant. The typeArguments can be null if no type arguments were declared. The list of elements can be null if the set or map is empty.
showClause({required Token showKeyword, required List<ShowHideClauseElement> elements}) ShowClause
Returns a newly created show clause.
showCombinator(Token keyword, List<SimpleIdentifier> shownNames) ShowCombinator
Returns a newly created import show combinator.
showHideElement({required Token? modifier, required SimpleIdentifier name}) ShowHideElement
Returns a newly created element of a show or hide clause.
simpleFormalParameter2({Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? covariantKeyword, Token? requiredKeyword, Token? keyword, TypeAnnotation? type, required SimpleIdentifier? identifier}) SimpleFormalParameter
Returns a newly created formal parameter. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the parameter does not have the corresponding attribute. The keyword can be null if a type was specified. The type must be null if the keyword is 'var'.
simpleIdentifier(Token token, {bool isDeclaration = false}) SimpleIdentifier
Returns a newly created identifier.
simpleStringLiteral(Token literal, String value) SimpleStringLiteral
Returns a newly created simple string literal.
spreadElement({required Token spreadOperator, required Expression expression}) SpreadElement
Returns a newly created spread element.
stringInterpolation(List<InterpolationElement> elements) StringInterpolation
Returns a newly created string interpolation expression.
superConstructorInvocation(Token superKeyword, Token? period, SimpleIdentifier? constructorName, ArgumentList argumentList) SuperConstructorInvocation
Returns a newly created super invocation to invoke the inherited constructor with the given name with the given arguments. The period and constructorName can be null if the constructor being invoked is the unnamed constructor.
superExpression(Token superKeyword) SuperExpression
Returns a newly created super expression.
superFormalParameter({Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? covariantKeyword, Token? requiredKeyword, Token? keyword, TypeAnnotation? type, required Token superKeyword, required Token period, required SimpleIdentifier identifier, TypeParameterList? typeParameters, FormalParameterList? parameters, Token? question}) SuperFormalParameter
Returns a newly created super-initializer parameter. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the parameter does not have the corresponding attribute. The keyword can be null if there is a type. The type must be null if the keyword is 'var'. The parameters can be null if this is not a function-typed super-initializer parameter.
switchCase(List<Label> labels, Token keyword, Expression expression, Token colon, List<Statement> statements) SwitchCase
Returns a newly created switch case. The list of labels can be null if there are no labels.
switchDefault(List<Label> labels, Token keyword, Token colon, List<Statement> statements) SwitchDefault
Returns a newly created switch default. The list of labels can be null if there are no labels.
switchStatement(Token switchKeyword, Token leftParenthesis, Expression expression, Token rightParenthesis, Token leftBracket, List<SwitchMember> members, Token rightBracket) SwitchStatement
Returns a newly created switch statement. The list of members can be null if there are no switch members.
symbolLiteral(Token poundSign, List<Token> components) SymbolLiteral
Returns a newly created symbol literal.
thisExpression(Token thisKeyword) ThisExpression
Returns a newly created this expression.
throwExpression(Token throwKeyword, Expression expression) ThrowExpression
Returns a newly created throw expression.
topLevelVariableDeclaration(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, VariableDeclarationList variableList, Token semicolon, {Token? externalKeyword}) TopLevelVariableDeclaration
Returns a newly created top-level variable declaration. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the variable does not have the corresponding attribute.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
tryStatement(Token tryKeyword, Block body, List<CatchClause> catchClauses, Token? finallyKeyword, Block? finallyBlock) TryStatement
Returns a newly created try statement. The list of catchClauses can be null if there are no catch clauses. The finallyKeyword and finallyBlock can be null if there is no finally clause.
typeArgumentList(Token leftBracket, List<TypeAnnotation> arguments, Token rightBracket) TypeArgumentList
Returns a newly created list of type arguments.
typeLiteral({required NamedType typeName}) TypeLiteral
Returns a newly created type literal.
typeParameter(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, SimpleIdentifier name, Token? extendsKeyword, TypeAnnotation? bound) TypeParameter
Returns a newly created type parameter. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the parameter does not have the corresponding attribute. The extendsKeyword and bound can be null if the parameter does not have an upper bound.
typeParameterList(Token leftBracket, List<TypeParameter> typeParameters, Token rightBracket) TypeParameterList
Returns a newly created list of type parameters.
variableDeclaration(SimpleIdentifier name, Token? equals, Expression? initializer) VariableDeclaration
Returns a newly created variable declaration. The equals and initializer can be null if there is no initializer.
variableDeclarationList(Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? keyword, TypeAnnotation? type, List<VariableDeclaration> variables) VariableDeclarationList
Returns a newly created variable declaration list. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the variable list does not have the corresponding attribute. The keyword can be null if a type was specified. The type must be null if the keyword is 'var'.
variableDeclarationList2({Comment? comment, List<Annotation>? metadata, Token? lateKeyword, Token? keyword, TypeAnnotation? type, required List<VariableDeclaration> variables}) VariableDeclarationList
Returns a newly created variable declaration list. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the variable list does not have the corresponding attribute. The keyword can be null if a type was specified. The type must be null if the keyword is 'var'.
variableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationList variableList, Token semicolon) VariableDeclarationStatement
Returns a newly created variable declaration statement.
whileStatement(Token whileKeyword, Token leftParenthesis, Expression condition, Token rightParenthesis, Statement body) WhileStatement
Returns a newly created while statement.
withClause(Token withKeyword, List<NamedType> mixinTypes) WithClause
Returns a newly created with clause.
yieldStatement(Token yieldKeyword, Token? star, Expression expression, Token semicolon) YieldStatement
Returns a newly created yield expression. The star can be null if no star was provided.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.