Auth topic

Auth Category

The Amplify Auth category.


AuthCategory Auth
The Amplify Auth category provides an interface for authenticating a user.
AuthCodeDeliveryDetails Auth
Details on where a confirmation code has been delivered.
AuthDevice Auth
Common interface for devices tracked by an authentication provider.
AuthHubEvent Auth
The base class for hub events of the Auth category.
AuthNextSignInStep Auth
AuthNextSignUpStep Auth
AuthNextStep Auth
AuthNextUpdateAttributeStep Auth
This wraps all the details around the next step in the user attribute update process.
AuthProvider Auth
AuthSession Auth
AuthUser Auth
AuthUserAttribute Auth
The key and value for a user attribute.
AuthUserAttributeKey Auth
A user attribute identifier. {@hideConstantImplementations}
CognitoUserAttributeKey Auth
User attributes available for configuring via Amplify.Auth.signUp, or updating via Amplify.Auth.updateUserAttribute and Amplify.Auth.updateUserAttributes.
ConfirmResetPasswordOptions Auth
The shared confirm reset password options among all Auth plugins.
ConfirmSignInOptions Auth
Options for Amplify.Auth.confirmSignIn.
ConfirmSignUpOptions Auth
Options passed to Amplify.Auth.confirmSignUp.
ConfirmUserAttributeOptions Auth
Options passed to Amplify.Auth.confirmUserAttribute
ConfirmUserAttributeResult Auth
Wraps the result of a confirm user attribute operation.
FetchAuthSessionOptions Auth
Options for Amplify.Auth.fetchAuthSession.
FetchUserAttributesOptions Auth
The shared fetch user attributes options among all Auth plugins.
GetCurrentUserOptions Auth
Options for Amplify.Auth.getCurrentUser.
ResendSignUpCodeOptions Auth
The shared resend sign up code options among all Auth plugins.
ResendSignUpCodeResult Auth
ResetPasswordOptions Auth
The shared reset password options among all Auth plugins.
ResetPasswordResult Auth
The result of a password reset request.
ResetPasswordStep Auth
The next step required for resetting a user's password.
SendUserAttributeVerificationCodeOptions Auth
The shared send user attribute verification code options among all Auth plugins.
SendUserAttributeVerificationCodeResult Auth
Wraps the result of a send user verification code operation.
SignInDetails Auth
Details about how a user signed in.
SignInOptions Auth
Options for Amplify.Auth.signIn.
SignInResult Auth
SignInWithWebUIOptions Auth
Options for Amplify.Auth.signInWithWebUI.
SignOutOptions Auth
The shared sign out options among all Auth plugins.
SignOutResult Auth
The result of a call to Amplify.Auth.signOut.
SignUpOptions Auth
Options for Amplify.Auth.signUp.
SignUpResult Auth
UpdatePasswordOptions Auth
The shared update password options among all Auth plugins.
UpdatePasswordResult Auth
The result of an update password request.
UpdateUserAttributeOptions Auth
The shared update user attribute options among all Auth plugins.
UpdateUserAttributeResult Auth
Wraps the result of an update user attribute operation.
UpdateUserAttributesOptions Auth
The shared update user attributes options among all Auth plugins.


AuthHubEventType Auth
Hub Event types for the Auth category.
AuthResetPasswordStep Auth
The current step in the reset password flow.
AuthSignInStep Auth
The current step in the sign in flow.
AuthSignUpStep Auth
The current step in the sign up flow.
AuthUpdateAttributeStep Auth
The current step in the attribute update flow.
DeliveryMedium Auth
The medium to which an item (e.g., confirmation code) was delivered.

Exceptions / Errors

AuthException Auth
The class for Auth category exceptions.
AuthNotAuthorizedException Auth
Exception thrown when the current session is not authorized to perform an operation.
AuthServiceException Auth
Exception thrown when some error occurs in the underlying service.
AuthValidationException Auth
Exception thrown when one of the input fields to an operation is invalid.
InvalidStateException Auth
Exception thrown when the requested operation is not valid in the current Amplity Auth state.
SessionExpiredException Auth
Exception thrown when the current session is expired.
SignedOutException Auth
Exception thrown when the requested operation can't be performed due to the user being signed out.
UserCancelledException Auth
Exception thrown when a requested operation could not be completed because it was cancelled by the user.