signInWithProvider method

  1. @override
String signInWithProvider(
  1. String provider, [
  2. Completer<bool>? completer

Sign in with a provider using Flutter

This method will open a browser window to sign in with the provider.

provider is the OAuth2 provider to sign in.

If you want to open it manually, you can get the link using signInWithProvider.

completer is the completer to complete when the URL launching is done.


String signInWithProvider(String provider, [Completer<bool>? completer]) {
  var link = super.signInWithProvider(provider);
          webOnlyWindowName: '_self',
          mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication,
          webViewConfiguration: const WebViewConfiguration(
              headers: {'OverrideUserAgent': 'Mozilla/5.0 Google'}))
      .then((value) {
  }).onError((error, stackTrace) {
    completer?.completeError(error ?? Exception(), stackTrace);

  return link;