Bloc class abstract

Business Logic Component (BLoC).

The class that implements the core business logic, and that should be placed between UI and data source. BLoC accepts UI actions from the widget and in return notifies the widget's about changes in UI state or initiate navigation actions.

This class implements methods that improve and simplify process of delivering business-logic states changes and navigation actions to widgets.

Current solution contains methods to register states that you want to provide to widgets (registerState), send this states (addState, addStateSource, addStatesSource) and navigation actions (addNavigation, addNavigationSource).

class CounterBloc extends Bloc {
 int value = 0;

 CounterBloc() {
   registerState<int>(initialState: value);

 void increment() => addState(++value);

Widgets should use getStateStream and navigationStream to subscribe on Bloc events.


Bloc({bool asyncNavigation = false})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isDisposed bool
Defines whether that Bloc was closed.
no setter
Returns navigation stream. Returns null if this Bloc was disposed.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addNavigation<Result>({String? routeName, dynamic arguments}) Future<Result>?
Adds navigation data to navigationStream.
addNavigationSource(Stream<RouteData> source, {void onData(RouteData data)?, void onDone()?, void onError(dynamic error)?}) StreamSubscription<RouteData>
Adds Stream of RouteData as navigation events source.
addState<S>(S uiState) → void
Adds state of S type to the stream that corresponding to state type.
addStateSource<S>(Future<S> source, {void onData(S data)?, void onDone()?, void onError(dynamic error)?}) StreamSubscription<S>?
Adds Future that should be returned by state of S type as source of state.
addStatesSource<S>(Stream<S> source, {void onData(S data)?, void onDone()?, void onError(dynamic error)?}) StreamSubscription<S>?
Adds states Stream of S type as source of states.
containsState<S>() bool
Checks whether a state of S type was registered before. Returns false if this Bloc was disposed.
dispose() → void
Releases resources and closes streams.
getState<S>() → S
Get last state of S type.
getStateStream<S>() Stream<S>?
Returns states stream according to type S. Returns null if this Bloc was disposed.
initialState<S>() → S
Returns initial value for state of S type. Returns null if this Bloc was disposed.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
registerState<S>({S? initialState}) → void
Registers state of S type that can be processed by this Bloc.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.