AlignPositioned class



AlignPositioned({Key? key, Widget? child, Alignment? alignment, double? dx, double? dy, double? moveByChildWidth, double? moveByChildHeight, double? moveByContainerWidth, double? moveByContainerHeight, double? moveVerticallyByChildWidth, double? moveHorizontallyByChildHeight, double? moveVerticallyByContainerWidth, double? moveHorizontallyByContainerHeight, double? childWidth, double? childHeight, double? minChildWidth, double? minChildHeight, double? maxChildWidth, double? maxChildHeight, double? childWidthRatio, double? childHeightRatio, double? minChildWidthRatio, double? minChildHeightRatio, double? maxChildWidthRatio, double? maxChildHeightRatio, double? rotateDegrees, Matrix4Transform? matrix4Transform, Wins wins = Wins.min, Touch touch = Touch.inside})


alignment Alignment
child Widget?
The widget below this widget in the tree.
childHeight double?
You may define preferred child sizes, in absolute terms, or relative to the container size. If you define both, they will be added.
childHeightRatio double?
You may define preferred child sizes, in absolute terms, or relative to the container size. If you define both, they will be added.
childWidth double?
You may define preferred child sizes, in absolute terms, or relative to the container size. If you define both, they will be added.
childWidthRatio double?
You may define preferred child sizes, in absolute terms, or relative to the container size. If you define both, they will be added.
dx double
dy double
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
matrix4Transform → Matrix4Transform?
Some transformation to apply to the child. This uses Matrix4Transform instead of Matrix4, since it's easier to use. However, you can still use Matrix4 directly with the constructor Matrix4Transform.from(matrix4).
maxChildHeight double?
You can also define min and max values, both in absolute and relative terms. If you define min sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied. If you define max sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied.
maxChildHeightRatio double?
You can also define min and max values, both in absolute and relative terms. If you define min sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied. If you define max sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied.
maxChildWidth double?
You can also define min and max values, both in absolute and relative terms. If you define min sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied. If you define max sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied.
maxChildWidthRatio double?
You can also define min and max values, both in absolute and relative terms. If you define min sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied. If you define max sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied.
minChildHeight double?
You can also define min and max values, both in absolute and relative terms. If you define min sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied. If you define max sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied.
minChildHeightRatio double?
You can also define min and max values, both in absolute and relative terms. If you define min sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied. If you define max sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied.
minChildWidth double?
You can also define min and max values, both in absolute and relative terms. If you define min sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied. If you define max sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied.
minChildWidthRatio double?
You can also define min and max values, both in absolute and relative terms. If you define min sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied. If you define max sizes in both relative and absolute terms, both are applied.
moveByChildHeight double
moveByChildWidth double
moveByContainerHeight double
moveByContainerWidth double
moveHorizontallyByChildHeight double
Position moving orthogonally.
moveHorizontallyByContainerHeight double
Position moving orthogonally.
moveVerticallyByChildWidth double
Position moving orthogonally.
moveVerticallyByContainerWidth double
Position moving orthogonally.
rotateDegrees double?
The rotation, in degrees (1 turn is 360 degrees). The position of the axis of the rotation (the "origin") depends on the alignment parameter and the parent. So, for example, means the axis of rotation is at the center of the parent.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
touch Touch
If touch is Touch.inside, then alignment works just like the alignment for the Align widget, aligning the child inside of the container. However, if touch is Touch.outside, then the alignment happens outside of the container.
wins Wins
If min/max sizes are incompatible, you may define which wins.


createElement() SingleChildRenderObjectElement
RenderObjectWidgets always inflate to a RenderObjectElement subclass.
createRenderObject(BuildContext context) → _RenderAlignPositionedBox
Creates an instance of the RenderObject class that this RenderObjectWidget represents, using the configuration described by this RenderObjectWidget.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
didUnmountRenderObject(covariant RenderObject renderObject) → void
A render object previously associated with this widget has been removed from the tree. The given RenderObject will be of the same type as returned by this object's createRenderObject.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.
updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, covariant _RenderAlignPositionedBox renderObject) → void
Copies the configuration described by this RenderObjectWidget to the given RenderObject, which will be of the same type as returned by this object's createRenderObject.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

expand({Key? key, Widget? child, Alignment? alignment, double? dx, double? dy, double? moveByChildWidth, double? moveByChildHeight, double? moveByContainerWidth, double? moveByContainerHeight, double? moveVerticallyByChildWidth, double? moveHorizontallyByChildHeight, double? moveVerticallyByContainerWidth, double? moveHorizontallyByContainerHeight, double? childWidth, double? childHeight, double? minChildWidth, double? minChildHeight, double? maxChildWidth, double? maxChildHeight, double? childWidthRatio, double? childHeightRatio, double? minChildWidthRatio, double? minChildHeightRatio, double? maxChildWidthRatio, double? maxChildHeightRatio, double? rotateDegrees, Matrix4Transform? matrix4Transform, Wins wins = Wins.min, Touch touch = Touch.inside}) Positioned
Use this if you put an AlignPositioned inside of a Stack. The AlignPositioned will then expand and fix itself to the corners of the Stack. The Stack will size itself to their other non-positioned widgets, and then you can use the AlignPositioned to position its child in relation to the Stack.
relative(Widget main, Widget relative, {Key? key, Widget? child, Alignment? alignment, double? dx, double? dy, double? moveByChildWidth, double? moveByChildHeight, double? moveByContainerWidth, double? moveByContainerHeight, double? moveVerticallyByChildWidth, double? moveHorizontallyByChildHeight, double? moveVerticallyByContainerWidth, double? moveHorizontallyByContainerHeight, double? childWidth, double? childHeight, double? minChildWidth, double? minChildHeight, double? maxChildWidth, double? maxChildHeight, double? childWidthRatio, double? childHeightRatio, double? minChildWidthRatio, double? minChildHeightRatio, double? maxChildWidthRatio, double? maxChildHeightRatio, double? rotateDegrees, Matrix4Transform? matrix4Transform, Wins wins = Wins.min, Touch touch = Touch.inside}) Widget
Use this if you have a main widget, and you want to position/size/rotate/translate another widget relative to the main one, but the second is NOT a child of the first.