getPendingTransactionById method

Future<PendingTransaction> getPendingTransactionById(
  1. String transactionId

Get a specific pending transaction.

Given a transaction id of a recently submitted transaction, it returns information about it. There are several cases when this might succeed:

  • transaction committed (committed round > 0)
  • transaction still in the pool (committed round = 0, pool error = "")
  • transaction removed from pool due to error (committed round = 0, pool error != "")

Or the transaction may have happened sufficiently long ago that the node no longer remembers it, and this will return an error.

Throws an AlgorandException if there is an HTTP error. Returns the pending transaction.


Future<PendingTransaction> getPendingTransactionById(
  String transactionId,
) async {
  return _transactionRepository.getPendingTransactionById(