fromSeedPhrase static method

Future<Account> fromSeedPhrase(
  1. List<String> words, {
  2. String? name,
  3. AccountType accountType = AccountType.single,

Load an existing account from a 25-word seed phrase.

Throws MnemonicException if there is an invalid mnemonic/seedphrase. Throws AlgorandException if the account cannot be restored. Throws UnsupportedError if seeds are unsupported.


static Future<Account> fromSeedPhrase(
  List<String> words, {
  String? name,
  AccountType accountType = AccountType.single,
}) async {
  // Get the seed from the mnemonic.
  final seed = await Mnemonic.seed(words);
  return fromSeed(
    name: name,
    accountType: accountType,