BaseRecommendSearchParams class final

  • @JsonSerializable()


BaseRecommendSearchParams({String? similarQuery, String? filters, dynamic facetFilters, dynamic optionalFilters, dynamic numericFilters, dynamic tagFilters, bool? sumOrFiltersScores, List<String>? restrictSearchableAttributes, List<String>? facets, bool? facetingAfterDistinct, String? aroundLatLng, bool? aroundLatLngViaIP, dynamic aroundRadius, dynamic aroundPrecision, int? minimumAroundRadius, dynamic insideBoundingBox, List<List<double>>? insidePolygon, List<SupportedLanguage>? naturalLanguages, List<String>? ruleContexts, int? personalizationImpact, String? userToken, bool? getRankingInfo, bool? synonyms, bool? clickAnalytics, bool? analytics, List<String>? analyticsTags, bool? percentileComputation, bool? enableABTest})
Returns a new BaseRecommendSearchParams instance.
BaseRecommendSearchParams.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


analytics bool?
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
analyticsTags List<String>?
Tags to apply to the query for segmenting analytics data.
aroundLatLng String?
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude. Only records included within a circle around this central location are included in the results. The radius of the circle is determined by the aroundRadius and minimumAroundRadius settings. This parameter is ignored if you also specify insidePolygon or insideBoundingBox.
aroundLatLngViaIP bool?
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
aroundPrecision → dynamic
One of types:
aroundRadius → dynamic
One of types:
clickAnalytics bool?
Whether to include a queryID attribute in the response. The query ID is a unique identifier for a search query and is required for tracking click and conversion events.
enableABTest bool?
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
facetFilters → dynamic
One of types:
facetingAfterDistinct bool?
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with distinct. This leads to accurate facet counts when using faceting in combination with distinct. It's usually better to use afterDistinct modifiers in the attributesForFaceting setting, as facetingAfterDistinct only computes correct facet counts if all records have the same facet values for the attributeForDistinct.
facets List<String>?
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values. To retrieve all facets, use the wildcard character *. For more information, see facets.
filters String?
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response. You can use these filter expressions: - Numeric filters. <facet> <op> <number>, where <op> is one of <, <=, =, !=, >, >=. - Ranges. <facet>:<lower> TO <upper> where <lower> and <upper> are the lower and upper limits of the range (inclusive). - Facet filters. <facet>:<value> where <facet> is a facet attribute (case-sensitive) and <value> a facet value. - Tag filters. _tags:<value> or just <value> (case-sensitive). - Boolean filters. <facet>: true | false. You can combine filters with AND, OR, and NOT operators with the following restrictions: - You can only combine filters of the same type with OR. Not supported: facet:value OR num > 3. - You can't use NOT with combinations of filters. Not supported: NOT(facet:value OR facet:value) - You can't combine conjunctions (AND) with OR. Not supported: facet:value OR (facet:value AND facet:value) Use quotes around your filters, if the facet attribute name or facet value has spaces, keywords (OR, AND, NOT), or quotes. If a facet attribute is an array, the filter matches if it matches at least one element of the array. For more information, see Filters.
getRankingInfo bool?
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
insideBoundingBox → dynamic
One of types:
insidePolygon List<List<double>>?
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search. Polygons are defined by 3 to 10,000 points. Each point is represented by its latitude and longitude. Provide multiple polygons as nested arrays. For more information, see filtering inside polygons. This parameter is ignored if you also specify insideBoundingBox.
minimumAroundRadius int?
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when aroundRadius isn't set.
naturalLanguages List<SupportedLanguage>?
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets removeStopWords and ignorePlurals to the list of provided languages. - Sets removeWordsIfNoResults to allOptional. - Adds a natural_language attribute to ruleContexts and analyticsTags.
numericFilters → dynamic
One of types:
optionalFilters → dynamic
One of types:
percentileComputation bool?
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
personalizationImpact int?
Impact that Personalization should have on this search. The higher this value is, the more Personalization determines the ranking compared to other factors. For more information, see Understanding Personalization impact.
restrictSearchableAttributes List<String>?
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes. Attribute names are case-sensitive.
ruleContexts List<String>?
Assigns a rule context to the search query. Rule contexts are strings that you can use to trigger matching rules.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
similarQuery String?
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search. Using the similarQuery parameter changes other settings: - queryType is set to prefixNone. - removeStopWords is set to true. - words is set as the first ranking criterion. - All remaining words are treated as optionalWords. Since the similarQuery is supposed to do a broad search, they usually return many results. Combine it with filters to narrow down the list of results.
sumOrFiltersScores bool?
Whether to sum all filter scores. If true, all filter scores are summed. Otherwise, the maximum filter score is kept. For more information, see filter scores.
synonyms bool?
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
tagFilters → dynamic
One of types:
userToken String?
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier. This helps with analytics and click and conversion events. For more information, see user token.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.