FromXmlCommand constructor



FromXmlCommand() : super('from_xml', 'Import translations from xml.') {
      abbr: 't',
      help: 'Target to import translations from xml.',
      valueHelp: 'TARGET',
      allowed: [
        // TODO: uncomment when implement
        // _targetGoogleDocs,
      allowedHelp: {
        _targetArb: 'Import to project arb files.',
        _targetAndroid: 'Import to Android localization.',
        _targetIos: 'Import to iOS localization.',
        _targetJson: 'Import to JSON localization (for backend).',
        // TODO: uncomment when implement
        // _targetGoogleDocs:
        // 'Import to google docs. It\'s for assets translations.',
      defaultsTo: _targetArb,
      abbr: 'd',
      help: 'Directory to save localization files. '
          'Supported by targets: $_targetJson.',
      valueHelp: 'DIR_PATH',
      abbr: 'l',
      help: 'Locale for import from xml. '
          'If not specified - all locales will be imported.',
      valueHelp: 'LOCALE',
      abbr: 'n',
      help: 'File name without extension for import from xml. '
          'If not specified - all matching files will be imported. '
          'Supported by targets: $_targetJson.',
      valueHelp: 'FILENAME',