sign method

Uint8List sign(
  1. Uint8List data

Hashes the given data with SHA-256, and then sign the hash using the private key associated with this wallet, returning the signature encoded as a 64 bytes array.


Uint8List sign(Uint8List data) {
  final hash = SHA256Digest().process(data);
  final ecdsaSigner = ECDSASigner(null, HMac(SHA256Digest(), 64))
    ..init(true, PrivateKeyParameter(_ecPrivateKey));

  final ecSignature = ecdsaSigner.generateSignature(hash) as ECSignature;
  final normalized = _normalizeECSignature(ecSignature, ECCurve_secp256k1());
  final rBytes = normalized.r.toUin8List();
  final sBytes = normalized.s.toUin8List();

  var sigBytes = Uint8List(64);
  copy(rBytes, 32 - rBytes.length, 32, sigBytes);
  copy(sBytes, 64 - sBytes.length, 64, sigBytes);
  return sigBytes;