fetchRecords method
Fetches records from the specified tableName
: If true (default), fetches all pages of records.view
: The view in Airtable from which to fetch records (default is 'Grid view').
Returns a Future that resolves to a list of AirtableRecord.
Throws an AirtableException if the request fails.
Future<List<AirtableRecord>> fetchRecords(String tableName,
{bool paginate = true, String view = 'Grid view'}) async {
List<AirtableRecord> allRecords = [];
String? offset;
do {
var uri = Uri.parse('$_endpoint/$baseId/$tableName').replace(
queryParameters: {
if (offset != null) 'offset': offset,
'view': view, // Add view parameter
final response = await http.get(
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer $apiKey',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final jsonData = jsonDecode(response.body);
allRecords.addAll((jsonData['records'] as List)
.map((recordJson) => AirtableRecord.fromJson(recordJson))
offset = jsonData['offset'];
} else {
// Get detailed error information from the response body
final errorBody = jsonDecode(response.body);
throw AirtableException(
message: 'Failed to fetch records',
details: errorBody['error']?['message'],
if (!paginate) {
} while (offset != null);
return allRecords;