Airtable CRUD Flutter Package

Pub Version

The Airtable CRUD Flutter Package is a robust solution for integrating Airtable's API with your Flutter applications. It enables developers to perform essential CRUD operations and filter records seamlessly.


  • Fetch Records: Retrieve all records from a specified table.
  • Fetch Records with Filter: Use Airtable's filterByFormula to retrieve specific records based on criteria.
  • Create Records: Easily add new records to your Airtable table.
  • Bulk Create Records: Create multiple records efficiently in batches.
  • Update Records: Modify existing records effortlessly.
  • Delete Records: Remove records from your Airtable table.
  • Pagination Support: Fetch records with pagination options.
  • View Selection: Option to select views when fetching records, with a default set to Grid View.
  • Fetch Fields:Option to select fields to be included in the response when fetching records.

Getting Started


Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  airtable_crud: latest

Then run flutter pub get to install the package.


  1. Import the plugin:

    import 'package:airtable_plugin/airtable_crud.dart';
  2. Initialize the Airtable CRUD:

    final airtableCrud = AirtableCrud('YOUR_AIRTABLE_API_KEY', 'YOUR_BASE_ID');
  3. Fetch Records:

    // Fetch all records with optional pagination and view selection
    final records = await airtableCrud.fetchRecords('your_table_name', view: 'your_view_name',fields:['field_1','field_2','field 3']);


    • Purpose: Retrieves all records from a specified table in your Airtable base.

    • Parameters:

      • your_table_name: The name of the table you want to fetch records from.
      • view (optional): The view within the table to fetch records from. Defaults to 'Grid view'.
      • fields(optional): The fields within the table to be included in the response.
    • Usage: Use this method when you need to retrieve all records, possibly with a specific view that may have filters or sorting applied and if you want to fetch only specific fields.

    • Example:

      final records = await airtableCrud.fetchRecords('Contacts', view: 'All Contacts',field:['firstName','lastName', 'Phone', 'Email']);
  4. Fetch Records with Filter:

    // Fetch records with a filter
    final filteredRecords = await airtableCrud.fetchRecordsWithFilter(
      "AND({lastname} = 'User')",
      view: 'your_view_name',


    • Purpose: Retrieves records from a table that match specific criteria using Airtable's filterByFormula.

    • Parameters:

      • your_table_name: The name of the table to query.
      • filterByFormula: An Airtable formula string that defines the filter criteria.
      • view (optional): The view to fetch records from. Defaults to 'Grid view'.
      • fields(optional): The fields within the table to be included in the response.
    • Usage: Use this method to fetch records that meet certain conditions without retrieving the entire dataset.

    • Example:

      final filteredRecords = await airtableCrud.fetchRecordsWithFilter(
        "AND({lastname} = 'Smith', {status} = 'Active')",
        view: 'Active Contacts',
    • Note: The filterByFormula uses Airtable's formula syntax. You can combine conditions using AND, OR, and other functions.

  5. Create a Record:

    final newRecord = {'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Doe'};
    final createdRecord = await airtableCrud.createRecord('your_table_name', newRecord);


    • Purpose: Adds a new record to the specified table in your Airtable base.

    • Parameters:

      • your_table_name: The name of the table where the new record will be added.
      • newRecord: A Map<String, dynamic> containing field names and their corresponding values.
    • Usage: Use this method to insert new data into your Airtable base.

    • Example:

      final newRecord = {
        'firstname': 'Jane',
        'lastname': 'Doe',
        'email': '',
      final createdRecord = await airtableCrud.createRecord('Contacts', newRecord);
    • Note: Ensure that the field names in your map match the field names defined in your Airtable table.

  6. Bulk Create Records:

    // Prepare a list of records to be created
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> dataList = [
      {'firstname': 'Alice', 'lastname': 'Smith'},
      {'firstname': 'Bob', 'lastname': 'Johnson'},
      // Add more records as needed
    // Create multiple records in bulk
    final createdRecords = await airtableCrud.createBulkRecords('your_table_name', dataList);


    • Purpose: Adds multiple new records to the specified table efficiently by batching the requests.

    • Parameters:

      • your_table_name: The name of the table where the new records will be added.
      • dataList: A List<Map<String, dynamic>> containing multiple records to create.
    • Usage: Use this method to insert multiple records at once, which is more efficient than creating them individually.

    • Example:

      final dataList = [
          'firstname': 'Charlie',
          'lastname': 'Brown',
          'email': '',
          'firstname': 'Diana',
          'lastname': 'Prince',
          'email': '',
        // Add more records as needed
      final createdRecords = await airtableCrud.createBulkRecords('Contacts', dataList);
    • Note:

      • The method automatically handles batching, respecting Airtable's limit of 10 records per request.
      • Ensure that the field names in your maps match the field names defined in your Airtable table.
  7. Update a Record:

    createdRecord.fields['lastname'] = 'Smith'; // Update the lastname field
    await airtableCrud.updateRecord('your_table_name', createdRecord);


    • Purpose: Updates an existing record in the specified table.

    • Parameters:

      • your_table_name: The name of the table containing the record to update.
      • createdRecord: An instance of AirtableRecord with updated field values.
    • Usage: Use this method when you need to modify data of an existing record.

    • Example:

      // Assume you have retrieved a record and stored it in 'recordToUpdate'
      recordToUpdate.fields['email'] = '';
      await airtableCrud.updateRecord('Contacts', recordToUpdate);
    • Note: You must include the record's ID in the AirtableRecord instance to identify which record to update.

  8. Delete a Record:

    await airtableCrud.deleteRecord('your_table_name',;


    • Purpose: Deletes a record from the specified table in your Airtable base.

    • Parameters:

      • your_table_name: The name of the table containing the record to delete.
      • The unique ID of the record to delete.
    • Usage: Use this method to remove records that are no longer needed.

    • Example:

      await airtableCrud.deleteRecord('Contacts', 'rec1234567890ABC');
    • Warning: Deleting a record is irreversible. Ensure that you have the correct record ID before performing this operation.

Error Handling

The plugin throws AirtableException for error cases, providing details about the error message. Handle exceptions gracefully in your application.

try {
  final records = await airtableCrud.fetchRecords('your_table_name');
} on AirtableException catch (e) {
  print('Error: ${e.message}');
  print('Details: ${e.details}');


  • Purpose: To catch and handle errors that may occur during Airtable operations.

  • Usage: Wrap your Airtable CRUD operations in a try-catch block to handle exceptions.

  • Example:

    try {
      final newRecord = {'firstname': 'John'};
      final createdRecord = await airtableCrud.createRecord('Contacts', newRecord);
    } on AirtableException catch (e) {
      print('Failed to create record: ${e.message}');
      print('Error details: ${e.details}');
  • Note: The AirtableException provides a message and details to help you understand what went wrong.

About the Author

Profile Photo

Kato Emmanuel

I'm the creator of the Airtable CRUD Flutter Plugin. Visit my portfolio to learn more about my work and other projects.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions or improvements, please submit a pull request or open an issue.


  • This plugin leverages the Airtable API for data management.
  • Thank you for using the Airtable CRUD Flutter Plugin! If you find this package useful, please consider giving it a star on


Support for seamless integration with Airtable's API.