AilContextExtensions extension



backgroundColor Color

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
brightness Brightness

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
containerWidth double

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
defaultContainerPadding double

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
defaultPadding double

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
focusScope FocusScopeNode

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
foregroundColor Color

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
height double

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
hideKeyboard → void

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
isDark bool

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
isDesktop bool

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
isKeyboardOpened bool

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
isMobile bool

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
isTablet bool

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
mediaQuery MediaQueryData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
placeholderColor Color

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
primaryColor Color

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
safeHeight double

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
scaffoldColor Color

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
size Size

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
theme ThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
viewInsets EdgeInsets

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
viewPadding EdgeInsets

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter
width double

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

no setter


afterDelay({dynamic function()?, int? milliseconds = 250}) Future

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

back([Object? result]) → void

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

go(Widget page) Future

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

goRemoved(Widget page) Future

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

indicator({double? value, Color? color}) Widget

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

route(Widget page) CupertinoPageRoute

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

snackBar({required String title}) ScaffoldFeatureController<Widget, dynamic>

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

svgIcon(String icon) Widget

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

svgIconThemed(String icon) Widget

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

svgIconThemedInvert(String icon) Widget

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

themed(String icon) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

themedIconPath(String icon) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

themedImagePath(String path) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

themedInvert(String icon) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

themedInvertIconPath(String icon) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension

themedInvertImagePath(String path) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the AilContextExtensions extension