RtcChannel class

The RtcChannel class.


channelId String
The ID of RtcChannel
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addInjectStreamUrl(String url, LiveInjectStreamConfig config) Future<void>
Injects an online media stream to a ChannelProfile.LiveBroadcasting channel.
addPublishStreamUrl(String url, bool transcodingEnabled) Future<void>
Publishes the local stream to the CDN.
adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume(int uid, int volume) Future<void>
Adjusts the playback volume of a specified remote user.
createDataStream(bool reliable, bool ordered) Future<int?>
Creates a data stream.
createDataStreamWithConfig(DataStreamConfig config) Future<int?>
Creates a data stream.
destroy() Future<void>
Destroys the RtcChannel instance.
enableEncryption(bool enabled, EncryptionConfig config) Future<void>
Enables/Disables the built-in encryption.
enableRemoteSuperResolution(int uid, bool enabled) Future<void>
getCallId() Future<String?>
Gets the current call ID.
getConnectionState() Future<ConnectionStateType>
Gets the connection state of the SDK.
joinChannel(String? token, String? optionalInfo, int optionalUid, ChannelMediaOptions options) Future<void>
Joins the channel with a user ID.
joinChannelWithUserAccount(String? token, String userAccount, ChannelMediaOptions options) Future<void>
Joins a channel with the user account.
leaveChannel() Future<void>
Leaves the current channel.
muteAllRemoteAudioStreams(bool muted) Future<void>
Stops/Resumes receiving all remote audio streams.
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams(bool muted) Future<void>
Stops/Resumes receiving all remote video streams.
muteLocalAudioStream(bool muted) Future<void>
Stops or resumes publishing the local audio stream.
muteLocalVideoStream(bool muted) Future<void>
Stops or resumes publishing the local video stream.
muteRemoteAudioStream(int uid, bool muted) Future<void>
Stops/Resumes receiving the audio stream of the specified user.
muteRemoteVideoStream(int uid, bool muted) Future<void>
Stops/Resumes receiving the video stream of the specified user.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pauseAllChannelMediaRelay() Future<void>
publish() Future<void>
Publishes the local stream to the channel.
registerMediaMetadataObserver() Future<void>
Registers the metadata observer.
removeInjectStreamUrl(String url) Future<void>
Removes the injected online media stream from a ChannelProfile.LiveBroadcasting channel.
removePublishStreamUrl(String url) Future<void>
Removes an RTMP stream from the CDN.
renewToken(String token) Future<void>
Renews the token when the current token expires.
resumeAllChannelMediaRelay() Future<void>
sendMetadata(String metadata) Future<void>
Sends the metadata.
sendStreamMessage(int streamId, String message) Future<void>
Sends the data stream message.
setClientRole(ClientRole role, [ClientRoleOptions? options]) Future<void>
Sets the role of a user in a live interactive streaming.
setDefaultMuteAllRemoteAudioStreams(bool muted) Future<void>
Sets whether to receive all remote audio streams by default.
setDefaultMuteAllRemoteVideoStreams(bool muted) Future<void>
Sets whether to receive all remote video streams by default.
setEncryptionMode(EncryptionMode encryptionMode) Future<void>
Sets the built-in encryption mode.
setEncryptionSecret(String secret) Future<void>
Enables built-in encryption with an encryption password before joining a channel.
setEventHandler(RtcChannelEventHandler handler) → void
Sets the channel event handler.
setLiveTranscoding(LiveTranscoding transcoding) Future<void>
Sets the video layout and audio settings for CDN live.
setMaxMetadataSize(int size) Future<void>
Sets the maximum size of the metadata.
setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType(VideoStreamType streamType) Future<void>
Sets the default video-stream type of the remote video stream when the remote user sends dual streams.
setRemoteUserPriority(int uid, UserPriority userPriority) Future<void>
Sets the priority of a remote user's media stream.
setRemoteVideoStreamType(int uid, VideoStreamType streamType) Future<void>
Sets the video stream type of the remote video stream when the remote user sends dual streams.
setRemoteVoicePosition(int uid, double pan, double gain) Future<void>
Sets the sound position of a remote user.
startChannelMediaRelay(ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration channelMediaRelayConfiguration) Future<void>
Starts to relay media streams across channels.
stopChannelMediaRelay() Future<void>
Stops the media stream relay.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unpublish() Future<void>
Stops publishing a stream to the channel.
unregisterMediaMetadataObserver() Future<void>
Unregisters the metadata observer.
updateChannelMediaRelay(ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration channelMediaRelayConfiguration) Future<void>
Updates the channels for media relay.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

create(String channelId) Future<RtcChannel>
Creates and gets an RtcChannel instance.
destroyAll() → void
Destroys all RtcChannel instance.