RTCEvent extension



onActiveSpeaker(int uid) → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onFirstRemoteVideoDecoded(int remoteUid, int width, int height) → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onJoinChannelSuccess() → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onLeaveChannel() → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onRemoteVideoStateChanged(int remoteUid, RemoteVideoState state, RemoteVideoStateReason reason) → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onRTCError(ErrorCodeType err, String desc) → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onUserJoined(int remoteUid) → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onUserLeaved(int remoteUid) → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onUserMuteAudio(int remoteUid, bool muted) → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension

onUserMuteVideo(int remoteUid, bool muted) → void

Available on ChatCallKitManagerImpl, provided by the RTCEvent extension