combine(ConstructionCombineRequestPart req)
→ CombineSignedTransactionResult
crc32Add(Uint8List buf)
→ Uint8List
Prepend a big-endian CRC32 checksum.
crc32Del(Uint8List buf)
→ Uint8List
Given an account address with a prepended big-endian CRC32 checksum, verify
the checksum and remove it.
ecKeysfromSeed(Uint8List seed, {int index = 0, int coinType = CoinType.icp})
→ ECKeys
ecTransferCombine(Secp256k1KeyIdentity identity, SignablePayload payloadsRes)
→ Future<CombineSignedTransactionResult>
ed25519KeyIdentityFromPem(String pem)
→ Future<Ed25519KeyIdentity>
generateMnemonic({int bitLength = 128})
→ String
getAccountIdFromDerKey(Uint8List der)
→ Uint8List
getAccountIdFromEd25519PublicKey(Uint8List publicKey)
→ Uint8List
getAccountIdFromPrincipalID(String id)
→ Uint8List
getAccountIdFromRawPublicKey(Uint8List publicKey)
→ Uint8List
getDerFromFFI(Uint8List seed)
→ Future<Uint8List>
getECkeyFromPrivateKey(Uint8List prv)
→ Future<ECKeys>
getECKeys(String mnemonic, {String passphrase = '', int index = 0, int coinType = CoinType.icp})
→ ECKeys
getECKeysAsync(String phrase, {String passphrase = '', int index = 0, int coinType = CoinType.icp})
→ Future<ECKeys>
getP256DerPubFromFFI(Uint8List seed)
→ Future<Uint8List>
getPathWithCoinType({int coinType = CoinType.icp})
→ String
getPemFile(String path)
→ Future<PemFile>
getPrincipalFromECPublicKey(Uint8List publicKey)
→ String
getPublicFromPrivateKey(Uint8List privateKey, [bool compress = false])
→ Uint8List?
getPublicFromPrivateKeyBigInt(BigInt bigint, [bool compress = false])
→ Uint8List?
getSchnorrPubFromFFI(Uint8List seed)
→ Future<Uint8List>
hashKeyValue(dynamic key, dynamic val)
→ Uint8List
hashOfMap(Map map)
→ Uint8List
httpCanisterUpdateId(Map update)
→ Uint8List
httpCanisterUpdateRepresentationIndependentHash(Map update)
→ Uint8List
httpReadStateRepresentationIndependentHash(Map readState)
→ Uint8List
makeReadStateFromUpdate(Map update)
→ Map<String, dynamic>
makeSignatureData(Uint8List messageId)
→ Uint8List
mnemonicToSeed(String phrase, {String passphrase = ''})
→ Uint8List
secp256k1KeyIdentityFromPem(String pem)
→ Future<Secp256k1KeyIdentity>
sha256Chunks(List chunks)
→ Uint8List
transactionDecoder(String txnHash)
→ Map<String, dynamic>
transferCombine(Ed25519KeyIdentity identity, SignablePayload payloadsRes)
→ Future<CombineSignedTransactionResult>
validateMnemonic(String mnemonic)
→ bool