identity/ed25519 library


HARDENED → const int
The following part is ported from InternetIdentity service. It's main purpose is to recover an identity that registered. These truths are covered.
IC_BASE_PATH → const List<int>
IC_DERIVATION_PATH → const List<int>


derive(Uint8List parentKey, Uint8List parentChaincode, int i) Set<Uint8List>
dropLeadingUserNumber(String s) String
extractUserNumber(String s) BigInt?
fromMnemonicWithoutValidation(String mnemonic, List<int>? derivationPath, {int offset = HARDENED}) Ed25519KeyIdentity
Create an Ed25519 based on a mnemonic phrase according to SLIP 0010:
fromSeedWithSlip0010(Uint8List masterSeed, List<int>? derivationPath, {int offset = HARDENED}) Ed25519KeyIdentity
Create an Ed25519 according to SLIP 0010:
generateMasterKey(Uint8List seed) Set<Uint8List>
parseUserNumber(String s) BigInt?
toBigEndianArray(int n) Uint8List