It makes debug logs enable/disable.
By default debug logs are disabled.
We don't recommand to enable logs in live environment.
'isEnabled' must be either true/false.
true - enable debug log.
false - disable debug log.
Returns a bool indicating that if enableDebugLog call is successful or not.
In case of error it can also throw exceptions. ///
Initialize adspostx with sdkId, sdkId should be non-empty valid String.
Returns a bool indicating that if init call is successful or not.
In case of error it can also throw exceptions.
LoadOffers with specified attributes, attributes should be of Map type.
attribute key-value should be from specific values which you can get from
adspostx documentation website
Returns a bool indicating that if loadOffers call is successful or not.
In case of error it can also throw exceptions.
setEnvironment sets environment for serving offers.
'environment' must be either 0 or 1.
0 - live environment.
Default is set to 'live environment'.
1 - test environment.
Returns a bool indicating that if setEnvironment call is successful or not.
In case of error it can also throw exceptions. ///
setTimeOut sets timeout value in seconds.
Used it rarely only when there some problem with offers after loading them.
Returns a bool indicating that if setTimeout call is successful or not.
In case of error it can also throw exceptions. ///
ShowOffers with specified configurations.
presentationStyle must be either '0' or '1'. 0 - pop up style, 1 - full screen size.
isTransparent must be either 'true' or 'false' indicates if offer background should be transparent or not.
topMagin must be of int type and value from 0 to 15. it indicates top margin offset in percentage.
rightMagin must be of int type and value from 0 to 15. it indicates right margin offset in percentage.
bottomMargin must be of int type and value from 0 to 15. it indicates bottom margin offset in percentage.
leftMargin must be of int type and value from 0 to 15. it indicates left margin offset in percentage.
Returns a bool indicating that if showOffers call is successful or not.
In case of error it can also throw exceptions.