stringH library


A container to record the starting and ending bracket characters
Object to record the start and end positions in a string




bracketData List<Bracket>
The data for Bracket


bracketPositionLeft(String source, BracketType bracketType) → Option<StrPos>
Finds the brackets furthest to the left '(L) (R)' Returns a start and end position inp: bl(blim) (plumpy(stumpy)) out: 2, 7
bracketPositionRight(String source, BracketType bracketType) → Option<StrPos>
Finds the brackets furthest to the right '(L) (R)' Returns a start and end position inp: bl(blim) (plumpy(stumpy)) out: 10, 24;
createSpaces(int number) String
Creates a string of the determined number of spaces inp: 5 out: " "
findOutsideOfBrackets(BracketType bracketType, String source, String pattern) List<int>
Gets the starting positions of the pattern inside brackets inp: aaa,aaaa<aa,a,>aa,a | out: 3,17
firstWord(String source) String?
Gets the first full word from the beginning of the text delimited by a space inp: blah
getBracket(BracketType bracketType) Bracket
Gets the related bracket data line for the bracket type
getInBracketsRight(String input, BracketType bracketType) → Option<String>
Finds the brackets furthest to the right '(L) (R)' inp: bl(blim) (plumpy(stumpy)) out: (plumpy(stumpy))
removePunctuation(String input) String
Replace all punctuation with a space replace any spaces with just one char Trim any spaces from end and beginning of word ,.;@#?!&$
splitByIndices(String source, List<int> positions) List<String>
Splits a string at the indices passed in
splitByLastOf(String source, String pattern) List<String>
Splits a string into two where it finds the pattern closest to the right of the string inp: "this is a test", " " out: "this is a", "test"