example workflow pub package License: MIT style: very good analysis codecov


A package of useful Dart and Flutter addons


The package includes the following features:

  • widgets
  • class extensions (for Object, String, List etc.)
  • UI constants


  • Horizontal and vertical spacers (HSpacer and VSpacer) for UI content layout that extends SizedBox widget,
  • RowWithColumns widget that contains a given number of widgets separated by a spacer


List<Widget> extensions like joinWithSeparator() method that allows to add spacers or other widgets between widgets from a list.

String extensions like:

  • nullify getter which return null if the string is empty
  • capitalized or firstCapitalLetter getters for some basic string operations.

Object extensions like unwrappedString getter that returns a String representation of an Object or - if it is null or an empty String


Paddings set of double values useful for UI dimensions fine tuning.


A package of useful Dart and Flutter addons