setFallbackPaywalls method

Future<void> setFallbackPaywalls(
  1. String paywalls

To set fallback paywalls, use this method. You should pass exactly the same payload you’re getting from Adapty backend. You can copy it from Adapty Dashboard.

Adapty allows you to provide fallback paywalls that will be used when a user opens the app for the first time and there’s no internet connection or in the rare case when Adapty backend is down and there’s no cache on the device. Read more on the Adapty Documentation


  • paywalls: a JSON representation of your paywalls/products list in the exact same format as provided by Adapty backend.


Future<void> setFallbackPaywalls(String paywalls) {
  return _invokeMethodHandlingErrors<void>(Method.setFallbackPaywalls, {Argument.paywalls: paywalls});