getPaywall method

Future<AdaptyPaywall> getPaywall({
  1. required String placementId,
  2. String? locale,
  3. AdaptyPaywallFetchPolicy? fetchPolicy,
  4. Duration? loadTimeout,

Adapty allows you remotely configure the products that will be displayed in your app. This way you don’t have to hardcode the products and can dynamically change offers or run A/B tests without app releases.

Read more on the Adapty Documentation


  • placementId: the identifier of the desired placement. This is the value you specified when you created the placement in the Adapty Dashboard.


  • the AdaptyPaywall object. This model contains the list of the products ids, paywall’s identifier, custom payload, and several other properties.


Future<AdaptyPaywall> getPaywall({required String placementId, String? locale, AdaptyPaywallFetchPolicy? fetchPolicy, Duration? loadTimeout}) async {
  final result = (await _invokeMethodHandlingErrors<String>(Method.getPaywall, {
    Argument.placementId: placementId,
    if (locale != null) Argument.locale: locale,
    if (fetchPolicy != null) Argument.fetchPolicy: json.encode(fetchPolicy.jsonValue),
    if (loadTimeout != null) Argument.loadTimeout: loadTimeout.inMilliseconds.toDouble() / 1000.0,
  })) as String;
  return AdaptyPaywallJSONBuilder.fromJsonValue(json.decode(result));