DBAccess class

The database access transaction. It is designed to used with access.

  • Object
  • PostgresqlAccess
  • DBAccess


agent → AccessAgent
The interface for accessing the storage (aka., database). *
no setterinherited
closed bool
Whether this transaction is closed.
no setter
conn Connection
The connection to the postgreSQL server.
dataset Map<String, dynamic>
A map of application-specific data.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isRollingback bool
Whether this transaction was marked as rollback. It actually returns rollingback != false.
no setter
reader → AccessReader
The access reader for converting data from what the database returns.
rollingback ↔ dynamic
A flag or a cause to indicate the access (aka., the transaction) shall be rolled back at the end.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
slowSqlThreshold Duration?
How long to consider the query or execution of a SQL statement is slow. If not specified (i.e., null), the value specified in configure is used.
getter/setter pair
writer → AccessWriter
The access writer for converting data into what the database accepts.


afterCommit(FutureOr task()) → void
Adds a task that will be executed after the transaction is committed
afterRollback(FutureOr task(dynamic error)) → void
Adds a task that will be executed after the transaction is rolled back.
cache<T extends Entity>(T entity) → T
Caches the entity. It returns entity directly.
clearCache() → void
Clear the cache.
close() Future
Forces the transaction to close immediately. You rarely need to call this method, since the transaction will be closed automatically by access.
delete(String otype, String oid) Future<int>
Deletes the entity of the given oid.
execute(String sql, [dynamic values]) Future<int>
Queues a command for execution, and when done, returns the number of rows affected by the SQL command.
exists(String fromClause, String oid) Future<bool>
Tests if the given oid exists.
fetch<T extends Entity>(String? otype, String? oid) → T?
Returns the entity of the given OID, if it is stored in the cache.
insert(String otype, Map<String, dynamic> data, {Map<String, String>? types, String? append}) Future
Inserts the entity specified in data. Note: all fields found in data are written. You have to remove unnecessary files by yourself, such as fdOtype.
load<T extends Entity>(Iterable<String>? fields, T newInstance(String oid), String? oid, [AccessOption? option]) Future<T?>
Loads the entity by the given oid, or null if not found.
loadAllBy<T extends Entity>(Iterable<String>? fields, T newInstance(String oid), Map<String, dynamic> whereValues, [AccessOption? option]) Future<List<T>>
Loads all entities of the given AND criteria.
loadAllWith<T extends Entity>(Iterable<String>? fields, T newInstance(String oid), String? whereClause, [Map<String, dynamic>? whereValues, String? fromClause, String? shortcut, AccessOption? option]) Future<List<T>>
Loads all entities of the given criteria (never null). *
loadBy<T extends Entity>(Iterable<String>? fields, T newInstance(String oid), Map<String, dynamic> whereValues, [AccessOption? option]) Future<T?>
Loads the first entity of the given AND criteria.
loadWhile<T extends Entity>(Iterable<String>? fields, T newInstance(String oid), bool test(T lastLoaded, List<T> loaded), String? whereClause, [Map<String, dynamic>? whereValues, String? fromClause, String? shortcut, AccessOption? option]) Future<List<T>>
Loads entities while test returns true. It stops loading if all entities are loaded or test returns false.
loadWith<T extends Entity>(Iterable<String>? fields, T newInstance(String oid), String? whereClause, [Map<String, dynamic>? whereValues, String? fromClause, String? shortcut, AccessOption? option]) Future<T?>
Loads the first entity of the given criteria, or returns null if none. *
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
query(String sql, [dynamic values]) Stream<Row>
Queue a SQL query to be run, returning a Stream of rows.
queryAny(String sql, [dynamic values]) Future<Row?>
Returns the first result, or null if not found.
queryAnyBy(Iterable<String>? fields, String fromClause, Map<String, dynamic> whereValues, [AccessOption? option]) Future<Row?>
Queries fields of fromClause for the criteria specified in whereValues (AND-ed together), and returns only the first row, or null if nothing found.
queryAnyFrom(Iterable<String>? fields, String fromClause, String? whereClause, [Map<String, dynamic>? whereValues, String? shortcut, AccessOption? option]) Future<Row?>
Returns the first result, or null if not found.
queryAnyWith(Iterable<String>? fields, String otype, String? whereClause, [Map<String, dynamic>? whereValues, String? fromClause, String? shortcut, AccessOption? option]) Future<Row?>
queryBy(Iterable<String>? fields, String fromClause, Map<String, dynamic> whereValues, [AccessOption? option]) Stream<Row>
Queries fields from fromClause for the criteria specified in whereValues (AND-ed together).
queryFrom(Iterable<String>? fields, String fromClause, String? whereClause, [Map<String, dynamic>? whereValues, String? shortcut, AccessOption? option]) Stream<Row>
Queries fields from fromClause for the criteria specified in whereClause and whereValues.
queryWith(Iterable<String>? fields, String otype, String? whereClause, [Map<String, dynamic>? whereValues, String? fromClause, String? shortcut, AccessOption? option]) Stream<Row>
toEntity<T extends Entity>(Row? row, Iterable<String>? fields, T newInstance(String oid)) → T?
Instantiates an Entity instance to represent the data in row. If row is null, this method will return Future.value(null).
toEntityNS<T extends Entity>(Row row, Iterable<String>? fields, T newInstance(String oid)) → T
Instantiates an Entity instance to represent the data in row.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uncache(String? otype, String? oid) → Entity?
Removes the caching of the entity of the given otype and oid.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

begin() Future<DBAccess>
Starts an transactions. You don't need to call this method if you're using access.